Somewhat normal part 5

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(Author's notes)



"Tsuna's sadistic side speaking"

'Tsuna's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in this bit

Also for when Nagi/Chrome is speaking with Mukuro it will be like this' .............................'

Last time
After a few hours and the end of the school day Tsuna was walking home alone due to Byakuran having to deal with Bluebell and it being nice and quiet with a nice breeze around when he was approached by his guardians when hayato saw him he knelt down on to the ground while hitting his head on the ground saying how sorry he was when Tsuna knelt down and put a hand on his shoulder and stopped him from hitting his head again before healing the already bleeding wound and said to the group who also apologised alongside hayato that he forgave them but not to tell the others so their older brothers and the Arcobaleno about it



All of the other guardians looked in shock and said "wait so you're alright forgiving us" tsuna smirked like a sadist causing a shiver to go up the guardians spine and said "I may hold it against you for a bit but other than that yes I forgive you after all you are my elements now Hayato *said boy raised his head at his voice only to be met by a sadistic smile and started to back up slowly until he hit a 'wall'* you will be helping me with paperwork"  everyone other than the brunette jumped in surprise because they hadn't even seen the brunette move and suddenly he was behind them. Hayato tried to make a run for it only for the back of his shirt to be grabbed and he was pulled along behind tsuna while all the others were following quietly behind wanting to watch the octopus haired boy be tortured slightly.

After 10 minutes of walking they started to wonder where they were going and tsuna as if reading their mind said "my home now I expect none of you to show up here every morning.....that goes double for you hayato anyway here we are" when none of the guardians had payed attention they hadn't realised that they picked up the pace of their walk and had reached the mansion they looked up at the building in amazement at the beauty of the place.

Tsuna then turned to them and said "don't worry I already informed kikyo that you were coming over so don't feel like your intruding oh and these guys are a little bit like you guys where explosions are concerned so yeah"

When the group entered they saw the place on the inside looked like world war three had taken place and were in shock before they saw the brunette walking through like this was normal and then realised that it probably was normal. When they reached a set of double doors Tsuna turned to the others and said "wait one minute I will be back in a minute 'kay" with a nod of heads as a reply the brunette slammed the doors opened and the group saw the four of the five guardians fighting and sweat dropped before looking at Mukuro and sighed they then saw tsuna look around the room before starting with cracking his knuckles.

Each crack being louder than the last after the first one the fighting group stopped and looked in the direction of the sound and paled when they saw a demonic looking brunette who said "now kikyo please do tell me why you are fighting when you are supposed to be stopping it and if so why not in the training room and not in my bedroom" all of Tsuna's guardians felt the air around them go cold and saw a black aura emitting from the brunette and something appearing in his hands and wings appearing on his back .

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