Family time

368 15 1

(Author's notes)



"Tsuna's sadistic side speaking"

'Tsuna's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in this bit

Also for when Nagi/Chrome is speaking with Mukuro it will be like this' .............................'

Last time
Reborn nodded his head at the language and said "yes it was Korean" the others in the room that didn't know of tsuna's visit shouted at the fact that it wasn't fair that the five of them got to see the brunette and the rest didn't. But they too soon shut up as they were also curious as to what the conversation was about. Reborn lifted his mug of espresso and said "Tsuna's three months pregnant" before taking a drink of the liquid in the cup.


At Gesso mansion

Tsuna was sat back enjoying a peaceful and calm dinner with the rest of the family, the bruised, injured and mummified family. He felt a tug on his shirt and turned to see Kurai looking at him. He chuckled at the puppy eyes he was getting and picked up the little boy who smiled when his kaa-san let him sit on his lap. He looked at the other guardians and said "kaa-san why are they hurt?" Tsuna looked at his son and said "you remember how your uncles and auntie were fighting earlier?" Kurai and along with Ayame and Natsuno nodded in affirmation and Tsuna continued "well while we were looking for your tou-san he found them all fighting and punished them for destroying part of the house." He said ruffling Kurai's hair.

The triplets shook their heads In sync and said "uncles, auntie you know not to fight in the house. We're six and we already know that rule" Tsuna looked at his babies scolding their aunt and uncles and smiled brightly at the guardians who were still stunned at getting scolded by six year olds. Byakuran who was sat next to Tsuna smirked in amusement. Before turning and whispering something into the brunette's ear.

Tsuna down at the triplets and said "okay you three I think it's time for bed" at this point all three triplets started to complain however started walking out the door with Tsuna following them. Byakuran smiled as they disappeared from sight before his smile melted into a frown and he turned to the guardians who were sat in front of him and said "now I have to inform you that the rule that you aren't to fight in the side the house needs to be firmly held from now on or their will be severe consequences do I make myself clear. Break this rule and it won't be my wrath that you have to deal with" the guardians gulped loudly and bluebell said "why now?" Byakuran raised an eyebrow and said "Tsu-chan is pregnant again and like hell am I having him stressed after he collapsed the last time due to stress related problems arisen."

The guardians nodded in understanding and then kikyo said "so do the vongola know yet?" Byakuran looked at his watch and said "right about now, Tsu-chan said that he told Reborn earlier and that he would probably wait until know to tell them when they couldn't actually stress him out" again he got another round of nods from his guardians and then he stood up and said "I'll be back in a little bit" before he left the room in the direction that Tsuna and the triplets went in.

When he reached the triplets room he smiled as he watched the scene in front of him. All three of the triplets were sat on Kurai's bed all curled around Tsuna who was telling them a story.

"And the black haired male started to get blackmail on his blond haired older brother because of that" Byakuran chuckled and said "not telling them about kyouya and alaude are you?" Tsuna chuckled when the triplets looked at him and Ayame said "that was about uncle kyouya and uncle alaude?" Tsuna chuckled yet again and nodded and said "yes aya-chan I was" the girls blue eyes sparkled brightly.

Tsuna got up off of the bed lifting up Ayame and Natsuno and placing them on their respective beds, he was just about to get up when a hand tugged his sleeve shirt. "Kaa-san" Natsuno said. Tsuna looked at the brunette and replied "yes sweetheart what do you need?" Natsuno said "something if off about your flames Kaa-san, they seem divided" Tsuna and Byakuran's eyes widened and they looked at each other in shock.

After they got over their initial shock Tsuna took a deep breath and looked at the other two triplets who were giving Tsuna their undivided attention. He looked at Byakuran and they had a conversation through their eyes.

'We should tell them' – Byakuran

'I wanted to wait until a little later before telling them but I don't want to worry them what should we do' –Tsuna

'Just tell them, everything will be fine' – Byakuran

Tsuna nodded to the albino and then turned back to the triplets and said "well there is a reason for that. Don't worry I'm not ill or dying so don't worry too much about it baby." The triplets nodded and then Kurai asked "then what is wrong?" Tsuna smiled lightly at the triplets and said "I was planning on waiting a couple more months before telling you but, you are going to be older siblings" the triplets smiled brightly and Ayame said "is it a little brother or little sister?"

Kurai looked at his sister and said "it could be more than one" Tsuna who heard this turned his head slightly to glare at Byakuran his eyes saying 'it-better-not-be-more-than-one' the albino gulped slightly causing the brunette to smirk slightly at the reaction that he got from the albino.

"I have a check up with a doctor tomorrow, so I should be able to tell you how many younger siblings you're going to have? However you are going to have to wait a few more months for me to be able to tell you if it is little brother or little sister" they all nodded and then Ayame said "I hope it's a little sister, this place is over run by boys" Tsuna and Byakuran chuckled while Natsuno and Kurai frowned at their sister.

"Okay you three enough time for talking anything else that you need to say can be said in the morning, for right now its bed time" the triplets nodded and lay down Tsuna smiled and kissed them all on the head, Byakuran copied tsuna's example before walking over to the door where Tsuna was and turned the light out before they closed the door behind them.

Tsuna looked at Byakuran and said "to think that they can already sense flames and be able to tell if something has changed to a person based off of flames in the person" Byakuran nodded and said "you're definitely seeing Shamal tomorrow right?" Tsuna nodded and said "yeah I'll ask him about it then" the albino nodded before they started to head back to the dining room. When they entered the room they both sat down and within seconds the guardians had placed their favourite snacks in front of them. Tsuna looked up at them with a raised eyebrow "you looked stressed, though strawberry cake would help you to relax seeing as you enjoy it "bluebell said. Tsuna smiled thankfully to the blue haired girl before starting to eat the cake.

Once he had finished eating the cake he thanked the guardians before he headed up to bed.
Till next time.
P.s. Sorry it's so short in comparison with the other chapters

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