Unwanted Mistake

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It was an early morning when a mother walked her teenage daughter into the hospital, this was a day that the young girl had dreaded for the past five and a haft months... But she had wanted to wait until the full nine months had passed before walking into this hospital for this purpose. To bad for her that her water had already broken and her baby was coming, there was no stopping it, today was the day that this unwanted and unplanned child was to enter this world. 

This young girl had gotten into this whole mess in May when she attended her school's senior prom. Her mother had helped her keep it all hidden away from everyone and now in mid October it was all going to be over with, the hiding would stop. The two of them were happy that this day had come but not for the reasons you would aspect from a soon to be mother and grandmother. They were happy because after today they could forget the hellish five and a haft months that lead up to this and move away to a new town far away and start fresh. The teen and her mother could forget about this baby and go back to normal lives. 

The girl's mother made it clear that to the doctor and nurses that helped deliver the baby that it was being put up for adoption, they didn't want it no matter what it looked like or the gender. The doctors accepted their wishes as he saw that the soon to be mother was so young and there was no sign of the baby's father. He assumed that this girl was not married and keeping the baby wouldn't be the best thing for them seeing as that she was not ready to be a mother at her age. 

Her mother was there with her as she gave birth and she felt so much pity for her daughter, seeing her pain and wishing that she wasn't in any pain at all. After an grueling three hours of labor it was over. The baby was here, the doctor held up a tiny baby boy, he hit the infants back to make it cry and allow it to release the liquid in his small fresh lungs. He let out a small cry which alerted his grandmother she quickly stole a glance at him but then held her daughter, making so she didn't see the child. The doctor cut the cord that had bound the two for the duration of the pregnancy and then handed the baby off to a nurse. He then went on to tend to the girl. 

As the nurse walked down the halls of the hospital with the newborn she looked down at him. He wasn't crying and she noticed that he was under weight for a normal baby and then she remembered the mother and girl saying that he was early. She took pity on him and what would become of him. He was something that was never suppose to happen, he was an accident and would never know the woman that gave him life. She washed him in a tiny steal bowl and gave him a dipper. After that she wrapped him in a blue blanket and brought him to the hospital's baby area where she placed him in a room with all the other infants that they had in there care. She saw proud fathers looking in on their new sons and daughters and congratulating themselves. Some handing other new dads a cigar and a pat on the back. She took one last look at the small form. 

"I hope you find a set of parents soon and I hope they love you as much as a parent can love you." She whispered to him as she then wrote on the little board in front of his little crib that he was for adoption. The men that stood outside the glass watched as they hoped that this was their first look at their own child. But when they saw that it wasn't they paid him no more attention. 

As time went on, he was released from the hospital's care and a woman from the local adoption center came to take him away and bring him to where he would hopefully have more luck finding a forever family.  Unfortunately he didn't have much luck there either. As he grew up health problems arose and this was a turn off for married couples who wanted to adopt a child. They wanted a healthy child to take home and Tino, a name one of the center workers had given him, was not what they were looking for when it came to a healthy child. He would get winded easily and would offend be found sitting on the floor when he knew how to walk. It wasn't until he was about seven years old that someone realized that there was something very wrong with Tino. 

He was at school one day when the gym teacher had told to class to do laps around the school yard, all the other kids did fine but Tino was having trouble keeping up. That went unnoticed by the teacher and the rest of the class but it was when the teacher started a game of dodge ball out in the field that the problem came into view. Their school yard was uneven with grassy and dirt patched. On top of that rocks littered the area, some hidden and some visible some students picked them up to get them out of their way but there were some rocks that were deep in the ground and stuck out like spikes. 

Here was the problems, the rocks along with a boy with a good arm. He had thrown a ball at Tino and he didn't see it coming until it was too late. It hit him square in the stomach and sent him falling backwards with quite a lot of force and he landed on a rock. It wasn't just a small pebble that any student could pick up and throw out of their way, no, this was a stone that was jagged and stuck in the ground. Older students had nicknamed them "Troublemakers" because if anyone fell on them or even tripped it usually ended with them getting hurt. This was the case with Tino, when he fell he landed on it and it hit his lower back. The worst part about it was that it had hit his spine with the first impact. He then hit the ground underneath, the ball rolling away and Tino left in tears. That was when the teacher knew that something was wrong, his sobs weren't just out of pain because he had fell or because he had been hit to hard, his sobs were the sound of someone going into shock. The teacher blew his whistle and ran over to his student. 

"Tino, Tino what's wrong, where did you get hurt?" He asked as he knelt down to him and the rest of the class sensing that something was very wrong, kept their distance whispered among themselves as they watched. They were trying to figure out what had happened to him but they could not hear what was they were saying. 

" . . . M-m... My . . . my back . . ." He said through shaken sobs. The teacher's eyes widened as looked at the boy. But before the man could say another word he was stopped dead in his tracks by what Tino said next. 

"...Sir, I can't feel my legs anymore... " Tino said his face blank and void of any signs of pain or emotion, his voice small. He was in shock now and the teacher then realized that this was far more urgent than he had originally thought.

He yelled for a student to go get the principal and call an ambulance, soon the child came back with the principal running behind him. Tino was already in shock and wasn't answering anything anyone said but when the ambulance arrived and they picked him up to put him on the stretcher he let out a raspy gasps of air that was his attempt at a scream. He could still feel pain, which made the paramedics worry and brought him to the hospital as fast as they could. 

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