of serial killers and soft hands

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A Note:

This is my first attempt at writing a story. So I'm sorry for all grammatical and typographical errors. I just typed what came out from my head. So yeah, this is a very rough draft.

I have no illusions of being a writer. It's just that since I came across wattpad and read a bunch of stories here, I'd fall asleep with scenes and stories in my head. I decided to just let it flow here.

please be gentle. ✌🏼️

He kept looking at me. I'd always catch him slyly looking at me or flat out staring at me. It was unnerving to say the least. It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I would always be the first to look away.As if I was the one caught staring. He has been doing that ever since he came here a week ago. At first it was flattering, but that quickly became annoying when he just wouldn't quit.

I tried to ignore him and focus on my reading, but everytime I would look up, his dark brown eyes would be staring at me. His face was unreadable. I didn't know if there was something on my face, if that was the reason he kept staring. I just looked back down on my book, hoping he'd stop. But I knew he was still looking. I had enough of his staring. It was freaking me out.

I gathered my books and stuffed them into my bag. "So much for getting any work done" I mumbled to myself. I quickly stood up and exited the library, making a point of avoiding the table where the guy was sitting. I knew his eyes still followed me as I walked away because all of the hair on my arms and neck are standing up. I hoped to all that is holy that this guy was not some serial killer and I was to be his next victim. Seriously. I mean, has been staring at me for a whole week! I shivered.

I opened the doors of the library and was met with dry heat. Gah! It was too hot to do anything at this point. I decided to head home, missing the cool interior of the library. My safe haven, now totally destroyed by creepy brown eyed guy. I liked working on my post graduate thesis in the library because if I stayed at home, I'd slack off, and I can't afford to. I turned to the left and started to walk towards my apartment. There were a few people in the street because of the extreme summer heat. Few paces off the library and I was already sweating. Damn that guy!

"hey! excuse me, miss!" I heard someone called out.

I looked around me. Oh God. It was creepy brown eyed maybe a serial killer guy. I turned around and started to walk faster but I heard running footsteps behind me.

"hey!" he continued to call out.

The footsteps came nearer. I tried to walk faster. Almost breaking into a sprint. Oh,God I don't want to die. I thought to myself.  My heart was already running a marathon when I felt it.

A hand on my shoulder.

I screamed. Holy Hell. What did I just do!?

" oh, geez..I'm sorry!.." he said, raising both of his hands in surrender.

I turned around and looked up at him. yes, up. He was probably a foot taller than me. Well, seeing that I'm only 5'1, I would be looking up at everyone. His dark brown eyes filled with fear with an edge of humor. Black wavy hair messed up from running.

"you..you left this.." He said, while jiggling something on his raised left hand.

My eyes travelled up his well chiseled arms to this long fingers that held my winnie the pooh cloth pencil case. I can't believe I left it in my hurry to get out of the library.

"oh shite, sorry...ah..thank you.." I managed to strangle out of my dry throat and started to reach for my case.

He apparently had other ideas. He kept his arms raised, keeping my case far away from my reach. I looked at him. He was smiling. like a goof ball. I was still creeped out.

"Can I please have it back?" I pleaded with him. I was very uncomfortable, seeing as that he was just staring at me a while ago in the library.

"why didn't you stop when I was calling out?"

"uhhh... I didn't know you were calling out to ME.." liar.

I looked down and shuffled my feet. "...and besides..you freaked me out.." I whispered to myself.

"what?" He suddenly peered underneath me.

Surprised, I took a step back and stared at him. The sun was beating down on my head and I can feel my sweat dripping off my temples. If I didn't have a love affair with my pens, I would have just let hime have it. But I'm obsessed with pens, and I'd rather not lose them. So, let's get this over with.

" I said, You freak me out! You've been staring at me since last week. I don't like it." I huffed. "Now, can I please have my things back?" I held out my hand towards him.

Instantly his goofy smiled disappeared. "You noticed.." He looked at me sheepishly.

I looked at him. I meant really looked at him. Aside from his dark brown eyes, he had sharp aquiline nose, full lips and a strong jaw. Well, what did you know. Mr. creepy wasn't so hard on the eyes. He was probably a jock or some Mr.Popular. He definitely had the attributes for it.

"uhm, yeah, I noticed." I rolled my eyes and placed my right hands on my hips. "..and I would appreciate it if you would stop it or stare at somebody else. If that is you know, your thing.." I waved my arms around. "You're not a serial killer are you?" I asked, wide eyed and stepped back.

He chuckled. "No, I'm pretty sure I'm NOT a serial killer...I'm sorry I freaked you out.." he murmured " you kinda reminded me of someone.."

Well. Great. Me and my generic face.

"Oh, okay.." I shrugged. "You must either really like or really hate this person to be always be staring at me then." I joked.

He gave me a tight smile. "something like that.."

Okay, that was awkward. Good work brain.

"what? like or hate?" I prodded.

"Here" He said as he handed me back my pencil case. "I'm matt." he extended his arm out, introducing himself.

I took my pencil case in one hand and shook his outstretched hand with another.
"Jenna." His hands were warm and soft. I'm pretty sure serial killers can't have soft hands like this, right?

We stared at each other. Uncomfortable silence. I broke eye contact first. As usual.

"So..I guess I'll see you around then.." He said, placing one hand in his back pocket while he scratched his head with the other.

I said nothing and just cocked my head to the side. He obviously evaded my question.

He smiled.

Oh.Dimples. Well deep dimples. On each cheek. I felt my eyes go big as saucers. I love dimples. I'd love to kiss those dimples right now. What!? stop it brain. I bit my lower lip.

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. He looked like he wanted to ask me something but thought against it. "See ya." He gave me a small wave, turned around and walked away.

I stared at his cute butt. Well, who's the creepy starer now, Jenna?. I shook my head, turned around and continued on my way home. I thought about this person that I, apparently, looked like, that he obviously have strong feelings for, enough to be staring at a complete stranger.

Didn't your mother tell you it's rude to stare?Where stories live. Discover now