of pizza and being worth it

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I'm lying in my bed, watching Matt pace back and forth in my bedroom. He kept running his hands through his hair. Occasionally stopping to look at me. He would open his mouth to say something but would shake his head and continue on his trek around my room.

"Matt, please stop walking, you'll wear out my rug." I smirked at him.

Matt was immediately kneeling at my side. "babe.."

"I'm sorry Matt." I whispered.

He brushed my hair away from my face, tucking them over my ear. " Are you ok?" his whole face contorted in concern. "Do you...wanna talk about what happened?" he ventured.

I just stared at him.

"I need a bath." I announced and stood up from my bed. "I feel grimy"

"Stay here, I'll run you a bath" Matt began to walk to my bathroom.

"no, it's okay.I can do it on my own." I smiled at him.

"I know you can, I just want to do it for you." he quietly said.

I gave him a weak smile. He was very thoughtful and sweet.

"Maybe I'll just take a quick shower. I don't think I wanna be left alone with my thoughts for too long." I shrugged.

he looked warily at me. "okay, i'll take a shower too then."

I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Oh, I know you want me in your shower babe, but I'll be in the other bathroom" he winked at me.

I felt a grin creep up my face. I appreciate his attempt at making me laugh. Some other time, I would have slapped him down with a comeback, but today was draining to say the least.

"there you go..there's my babe, smile a little for me.."he chided me.

I couldn't help but finally smile at him.

"thank you." Matt sighed and slowly backed away from my room.

After a quick shower, I curled up under my bed covers again and stared into the wall. Willing myself to grow numb. I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Come in, Matt" I called softly.

Matt came in, freshly showered, with a box of pizza in tow.

"I bought dinner." he plopped down on the floor next to my bed and opened the box. He grabbed a slice and offered it to me.

"what's on it?" I mumbled. Not even trying to lift my head to look at the offering.

"uhm...everything." he shrugged.

Ah. I guy after my heart. Pizza with everything.

I shook my head, "I don't feel like eating" I mumbled, my face cemented on my pillow. Silently cursing Bryan for the bad taste he left in my mouth.

"Well, then I hope you feel like talking" he said. "and don't you dare disrespect pizza. pizza is life." he added, feigning hurt and coddling the pizza slice.

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