of table stealers and utilizing names

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I always wake up early. I like getting to the library before the other students so I could get those single table and chair combos in the corner. Maximum privacy in a public library.

Unfortunately, apparently, it was exam week for the college of science and when I got to the library, my usual spot was already taken by a pre-med student, judging by the biology and anatomy books she had on MY table.

I sent dagger eyes in her direction, but she was all into her books, she wouldn't even see me. Sighing, i hauled my ass to the remaining table, a table good enough to seat six. I didn't like those. Not that I'm anti social, I just enjoy having my own space. I sat down, pulled out my books,notes and laptop. I was going to pull a double and be extra productive today, to make up for yesterday's epic fail. No thanks to Not-a-serial-killer Matt. I booted my laptop and typed away.

I was so into my research when I noticed movement in the corner of my eye. A hand pulled up the chair next me. I turned and stared. You have got to be kidding me!

"hey,Jen" he smiled his dimpled smile.

"It's Jen-na." I muttered and grabbed the back of the chair and pushed it back to the table. " My name is already short as it is, I'd appreciate it if you utilized it fully" I said pointedly.

He tugged on the chair, but I kept my hand on it. The chair was already making scratchy noises on the floor due to our "tug-of-war". The other students were already beginning to notice and were staring at us, including pre-med table stealer. He raised his eyebrow. I raised mine. Stalemate.

He grinned and walked over to the seat in front of me. Lifted it up and brought it to my other side. He angled it facing me, sat down, placed his elbow on the table, hand on chin and..yes, you guessed it..STARED at me.


"What do you want Matt?" I gritted my teeth and narrowing my eyes. "I thought we already established yesterday that I do NOT appreciate being stared at."

He just continued to look at me and grinned. He was clearly enjoying my tirade. Well, two can play that game.

I ignored him. I looked back on my laptop and started typing again. As I stared at my laptop, I can still him in the corner of my vision. His shoulders were shaking and I can hear him silently laughing. He was really enjoying this at my expense.

I rolled my eyes.

Ignore him jenna, Ignore him Jenna, I repeatedly told myself, like a mantra. Hopefully, he'll get tired of you ignoring him, he'll just go away, I thought to myself.

He was still staring.

"You do realize you're in a library right? shouldn't you be reading or studying or anything than just sitting there and staring at me?" Gah. There goes my willpower to ignore him.

He shrugged, tilted his head and continued to just look at me.

All the hairs on my neck and arms just went up.

"Don't you have somewhere else you have to be?" I mean,seriously, doesn't he have a class to go to or a game to play?

"Nope." he popped the P. "I'm right where I want to be"

I peered at him over my glasses. Pfft. Yeah right. "Okay..whatever floats your boat" I mumbled and went back to typing. I totally blushed.

It was also definitely getting a bit hot inside the library...or was it just me?

"You look cute when you're flustered"

I chose to ignore it, bit my lip to stop myself from smiling and stared straight on to my laptop.

Then it happened.

He suddenly leaned forward into me. He raised his hand and with his long, soft fingers, he grasped my chin and tilted my face towards him.

I felt my cheeks burn up as he stared at my lips.

With a flick of his wrist, he disengaged my lower lip from my upper teeth.

"Don't bite your lips jen-na. They're too beautiful to be hidden" He whispered.

I combusted.

I gasped and he slowly let go of my chin and leaned back on the chair, resuming his previous position.Never letting his eyes off me.

His eyes were a darker shade of brown almost black now.

He looked confident and cool.

I, on the other hand, was a mess of emotions.

He smirked and licked his lower lip.

I absentmindedly licked mine too, feeling the indentation left by my teeth.

I saw his eyes darken even more.

I wanted to kiss those lips that looked so soft, I wondered how his hair would feel in my hands as i run through it. I can feel my body responding to his words and touch.

Damn! I have gotta get a grip! We were in the middle of the library for goodness sake! I can feel my heart hammering in my chest.

I hope pre med knew CPR cause I feel like I'm going to die right now. I need to get away.

"Uhm...I gotta go to the bathroom..." I quickly stood up,totally scratching the chair legs in the floor, granting me another round of stares from the library patrons. "ca-can yo-you watch my thinggs..?" I muttered to Matt, not waiting for a reply. I stormed away from him towards the bathrooms.

On my way there, I passed pre med table stealer, she looked up at me and snickered. She obviously saw whatever that was that happened between Matt and me. I sent her the dagger eyes she clearly missed earlier this morning when she decided to steal my table. She quickly shoved her nose back down to her books.

I made it to the bathroom, splashed cold water on my face and stared at myself in the mirror.

My wavy jet black hair was swept up in a loose bun on top if my head. It was beginning to unravel, wisps of curly tendrils framed my face.

I gripped the sides of the sink and did breathing exercises. "what the hell, Jenna. Get a grip" I chastised myself.

Why am I getting so worked up over Matt!? He's just a guy! He's not the first guy who made you feel this way! Remember Bryan?

Bryan was my first and only boyfriend. I loved him so much. We were together for 3 years before he decided to cheat on me.

The bastard broke my heart bad and I didn't see it coming.

Thanks a lot brain, for reminding me. I rolled my eyes at myself. At least it got my mind off Matt.

I drew out a long breath and stood straight up.

Remembering Bryan always had me on edge. After 2 years from our break-up, I was still smarting a little bit. Damn it. Damn Bryan and his lying ,cheating ways.

I wallowed privately for almost over a year. I smiled on the outside and wanted to appear strong in front of our friends, but inside I was dying. Until I realized and analyzed what was wrong in our relationship that I was finally really able to move on.

Argh! I need to stop thinking of guys!

I need to keep my head on straight.

Enough of this. I said to myself as I shook my head.

I waited until my heart wasn't racing anymore and my cheeks no longer a bright pink before i slowly made my way back to Matt.

a/n: thank you to @R_rubyK for the artwork! 😘

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