of half faces and big fat juicy burgers

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"Uhm, thanks for watching my stuff" I said to Matt and pulled back my chair to sit.

He was still seating the way I left him.

"It was my pleasure.." he drawled out...sexily if I may add. It was also suggestive which i chose to ignore. I can't be running to the bathroom everytime he goes damn sexy on me.

I just graced him with a smile.

I angled my laptop so that it covered my entire view of him and I resumed typing.

No more distractions please!

"You wanna go get a bite to eat? It's almost noon"  Half of his face popping up from the top of my screen.He wiggled his eyebrows.

I was a girl on a mission and I wanted to get my research done. "You go on ahead"

Seeing a chance to get rid of him. Surely a guy of his size couldn't survive without 3 squares a day." I eat a big breakfast and usually work throughout the day" I said without stopping from my typing.

His face didn't move from the top of my screen.

"I don't like eating alone"

"Don't you have friends you can call and eat with?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"They're all busy" the half face said.

"And I'm not?" more eyebrow raising.

half face disappeared followed by a grunt. "I'll wait for you to get done today, then we'll eat"

I giggled.

Half face appeared back on top of my screen. This time armed with puppy dog eyes.

I don't know but I felt sorry for the guy. Just a little bit.

" Fine! If you leave me alone and just let me work for 2 hours straight, then we can go and eat!" I muttered through gritted teeth.

I knew I was going to regret this somewhere down the road.

His brown eyes lit up and I oddly felt a twinge of happiness in my chest. I quickly squashed it away before it reached my lips to form a smile. I don't want him getting smug on me now.

"yeah!" he fist bumped into the air.

"okay.Now settle down and let me finish" I said impatiently.

I was getting back to typing when i felt my laptop move to the side, and his face appeared. "I'd like to see you while I wait" He smiled.

I just rolled my eyes at him and gave him a wry smile. I'd rather not waste anymore time getting annoyed at him. I really need the get to the bottom of this staring thing he has going on.seriously.

We fell into a comfortable silence. I was typing and he was staring. Occasionally looking at his phone and texting.

I was starting to get used to his presence.

"okay..and..done." As I pressed save and exited my document.

I looked at Matt who was still leaning back and looking at me. "Let's eat!" I shoved my things back in my bag, stood up and stretched my whole body up.

Matt was still sitting and staring.

"seriously, dude, didn't your mother tell you it's rude to stare?" i joked and rolled my eyes as I shouldered my pack.

Matt slowly stood up and reached for my pack.

His hand brushed against my cheek and I felt my body betray me once more.

Didn't your mother tell you it's rude to stare?Where stories live. Discover now