of prophylactics and tributes

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"..and make sure you bring protection.." Izzy's voice crackled from my phone on speakerphone.

" Oh God! Izzy! eww. no. stop it!" I screamed at my phone. I was busy packing for my weekend at Matt's parents' place when Izzy decided to call.

"What?! what's wrong with being safe?" She reiterated.

I rolled my eyes. " There will be none of that Izzy. Trust me."

"Whatever girl. I was with you guys and I have eyes. You guys have so much pent up sexual tension, I was drowning in it." She cackled.

"Seriously Izzy, stop being so crass." I teased her.  I stared at my overnight bag, stuffed full of clothes and necessities. None of it the prophylactic kind. " It's his parents place. That would be so weird!" I zipped it up and plopped it down on the foot of my bed.

Izzy laughed. "Oh my sweet little girl...fine. Just have fun okay? "

"Yes, mom. " I grinned. "So..you do approve right, Izzy?" I ventured to ask. She is my bestfriend and her opinion matters.

"Jenna, he has the Izzy stamp of approval. He's good to and for you. You look happier..way happier..different from..the jackass." She stated. " You deserve to be happy jenna. You really do. Just don't let whatever is in his past get the better of you. Keep an open mind at least. okay?"

"Thanks Izzy, I really needed that."

"Okay, I'll let you go now, call me if you need anything or whatever, okay?"

"Yeah. love you girl"

"love you back."

I ended the call and plopped down on my bed. I glanced at the alarm clock at night table. I groaned to myself, It was already midnight. I seriously needed to get some shut eye.

I woke up to Matt's face hovering over me. "Goodmorning, princess." He grinned.

I quickly sat up. "Shite! What time is it?!" I whipped my head towards my alarm clock. It was only 6:30 am. "Matt...you scared the bejeezus out of me.." I plopped down back on the bed and closed my eyes. I felt the bed dip as he crawled next to me and laid down.

"Couldn't wait to see you." he murmured, burying his face on the crook of my neck and wrapping his arms around me.

His warm breath tickling my neck definitely did things to me. I shifted closer to him and angled my neck towards him. He started to slowly pepper my neck with slow kisses. I groaned as I felt my nipples harden with every touch of his lips. God he was driving me crazy. My traitorous body wanted to speed things up while my brain told me to slow down.

Good thing Matt was enough of a gentleman to decide for both of us.

"Hmm..babe...you better start getting ready now before I keep you in bed all day.." He gave me a final chaste kiss on the lips before he rolled away and stood up from the bed. 

I groaned from the loss of his nearness. I looked over my shoulder before getting up and caught him slyly trying to adjust himself and my inner diva did a happy dance knowing that I affected him as much as he did me. I smiled to myself and plodded on to the bathroom. 

Then I stopped. "Wait, how exactly did you get in my place?!" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He grinned sheepishly. "I found your spare." He pulled a key out from his pocket and showed it to me.

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