of exits and perfect worlds

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I lifted my head and heard clapping and cat calls, I slowly became aware of how close we were right now, my legs around his waist, his arms around mine. I looked up and saw him looking at me with his dark brown eyes, full of concern. "are you ok?" he slowly said, his voice a deep whisper. It was so sexy it got me light headed.

I slowly disengaged my legs from his waist, but he still held me close to him, causing me to stand on my tip toes. My hands still around his neck. our eyes never left each other. I felt like I was surrounded by electricity and sparks were erupting all around us. Could he be feeling what I'm feeling right now?!.

" I told you I was afraid." I whispered back, I tried to swallow through my dry throat.

"well, I'm beginning to think it was totally worth it, having you all over me." he chuckled, his eyes twinkling.

I stepped back and swatted at him. "jerk." He sure knows how to kill a mood.

the cat calling and whistling became louder. "well, that's probably the best exit we ever had here!" exclaimed the bearded carnie who was assigned at the exit, giving us a wink and clap.

I looked around and saw people smiling at us.

I dropped my head down and blushed to no end. Matt on the other hand, obviously loving the attention, decided to make a grand bow to his audience. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away. God, he was so full of himself.

"Hey, wait up." I heard him call out.

I looked over the horizon, and the sun was beginning to set. I love watching the changing color of the sky as the sun slowly sets. "hey matt, let's head up to the ferris wheel, watch the sun set." I called over to him.

He looked at the ferris wheel and looked back at me. "Uhm...How about we just head on over the beach to watch it?" he asked looking pained.

"are you afraid of heights?" I taunted him. Aha! so he has a weakness!

"actually no, I just don't do ferris wheels anymore." he shrugged and looked down at his shoes.

huh? what was that supposed to mean?! 'don't do'?. I was about to ask him what the hell he meant by that when I noticed his demeanor mirrored the one he did when we were in line at the caterpillar.

"Fine. let's just go eat then. I'm hungry." I said and made a promise to myself not to pry anymore. Maybe he'll trust me one day to open up, like I have opened up to him.

"i thought you wanted to watch the sun set?" he said while looking at me. His head jerking towards the setting sun.

"it's okay, by the time we get to the beach, it would have already set anyway. " I shrugged and began walking away. I was feeling a bit deflated, but I wasn't sure if it was because of the sunset or Matt's refusal to open up to me.

Matt ran after me, and tried to hold my hand. I hugged myself instead to avoid his hand. We've been holding hands, acting like we were together the whole time here, it was time to get back to the reality. We are just friends.

Matt sensed my aloofness and stuffed his hands on his back pocket. "so..what or where do you want to eat?" he asked tentatively.

I looked at Matt and studied him. He confused me so much. He can be sweet one moment, a jerk the next. i don't understand why he keeps hanging out with me. He wanted to be friends, bur we're not acting like just friends. He even keeps calling me babe. I looked down at my feet as I walked. I'm so confused right now. I can't deny that he is attractive and that I am attracted to him. I know I have to thread carefully with Matt. He could easily be a player who enjoys flirting with girls. I need to protect my heart from him. I simply cannot make the same mistake like with Bryan. I just might not survive it.

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