of secret gardens and exploring

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I wandered through the halls of Matt's summer house, making my way to the gardens. Matt was carted off to play golf with his dad and some business partners. That was why he came into my bedroom earlier. To apologize for having to abandon me. He didn't want to go, but it was of course, for business. He offered for me to tag along and stay at the country club. That alone earned him an eyeroll from me. His mom had already left with errands pertaining to their party tomorrow. It surprised me that Francesca didn't hire a planner and did the planning all by herself. I told Matt to go and not worry about me. I brought a book with me and would either just nap or read. It didn't hurt that he was kissing me senseless the entire time.

I decided to walk around the estate instead. Matt already showed me around after brunch this morning, so I decided to head on to their gardens and read my book.

"Pardon me, Miss Jenna."

I whipped around and saw Reginald standing thru a doorway.

"Oh, hi. I was just on my way to the gardens.." I explained and pointed in the general direction of out.

"Ah, yes. Master Matteo has instructed me to...err...bring you there." he started to walk towards me.

I followed him with my eyes as he stopped and stood before me and extended his arm out, signaling me to go ahead.

"Oh, I don't think that's necessary. Matt showed me how to get there earlier." I smiled at him. " and please, call me just Jenna."

"Ah, Miss, He has left specific instructions that need to be carried out." He grinned.

"Okay...but can you call me Jenna?" I slyly ventured.

He chuckled. "I'm afraid I am an old man with ingrained conformities, Miss."

So no just Jenna then.

I gave him a smile and a nod before I turned and walked towards the direction of the gardens.

We soon stepped out into a garden and surrounded by a multitude of different scents. I inhaled deeply. I stopped at a nearby flower bed and gazed at the roses in full bloom. "These are lovely." I said over my shoulder at Reginald.

"Yes, Madam has quite a fondness for roses." He answered. "This way please.." he cleared his throat.

I straightened up and followed him as we walked past through the roses, down a pebbled path full of wild flowers. We even crossed the gigantic fountain in the middle..Finally, we headed through a path formed by tall hedges. "Where are we going?" I called out to him as he turned a corner.

I quickened my steps to follow him. As soon as I turned the corned, I saw, hidden between 2 hedges was a passage of some sort. I stepped through it and walked into a small clearing with a tall oak tree in the middle. Tied to one of it's branches was an old wooden bench swing. "Woah." I exhaled and looked at Reginald with wide eyes. It was enclosed in by tall hedges and trees that I highly doubt it could be seen from the house.

"Yes. This is Master Matteo's favorite hiding spot." He grinned. "He used to run here and hide especially when he was in trouble." he coughed. "which is a lot of times."

I gave him a playful laugh.

"This is some secret garden thing he has going on..." I mumbled as I walked towards the swing. " I bet he brought a lot of girls here, didn't he Reginald?" I looked back at him and gave him a knowing look. "I'm probably not the only girl you've been asked to escort here, aren't I?" I teased him further.

He cleared his throat.

I shook my head and laughed. Of course he did.

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