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I walked back into my apartment and collapsed onto the couch. It was around seven and my body was exhausted from the events that occurred today.

I can't believe how generous and caring those boys were. When I felt those hands wrap around me the first time I could've sworn I was being kidnapped. Quite the opposite actually; they helped me find Maddi and kept me safe.

When I walked into the apartment earlier she had been sitting at our dining table frantically tapping on her phone looking extremely distressed.


"Maddi?" I called out as I walked into the apartment. I could heard a small noise coming from our kitchen. When I emerged into the doorway, I let a deep breathe I didn't know I was holding in as my eyes located Maddi sitting in front of me.

My body relaxed and I could finally be at ease knowing she was okay.

"Maddi, oh my god," I ran over to her side of the table and wrapped my arms around her. "I lost you in the rain and then these boys, they-"

"OH MY GOD YOU SCARED ME," she jumped. Her eyes were wide and her face was as pale as ever.

I burst out laughing as she punched my shoulder.

"I WAS SO SCARED. ARE YOU OKAY?" she asked holding her hand over her heart.

"I'm fine, are you okay?" I chuckled at her dramatic personality. This is why I love her, she's so outgoing all the time no matter the situation.

"Yeah, I took an uber home hoping to meet you here since I couldn't find you," she responded. Her face changed in a matter of seconds; she now had a look of suspicion all over her face.

"Well, where have you been?"

End of flashback.

After she asked me that, I explained really quickly what happened with Ethan and Grayson. I tried to rush my story so I could go down and see them again because they were still waiting for me.

When I walked downstairs and up to their car, I got really nervous again. They were so intimidating; both so appealing in their own way.

I had told them I found Maddi upstairs and they seemed relieved. It was unfortunately time to go our separate ways.

I leaned into the front seat to place a kiss on Ethan's cheek, and he smiled cutely as I pulled away.

It was then time to say bye to Grayson but he wouldn't even look at me. I don't understand what I did to make him so uninterested in me.

I guess we really don't know eachother at all so maybe that's what it is.

Despite my current thoughts, I still went in to kiss his cheek as I did Ethan's. This was different though. I wanted to get a reaction out of him, so I placed my lips close to the corner of his lips and lingered there a few moments longer than I should have.

When I pulled away his eyes were still shut and we seemed to be sitting closer than before. He smelt so good; it was a mixture of vanilla and mint and I've never been more intoxicated from a certain smell.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I hugged him one last time and exited the car.

I'm currently watching tv because there's nothing better to do. My phone suddenly buzzed in my lap a couple minutes later.

Ethan's name flashed on my lockscreen and I slid it open to see the text.

E: So what are you doing? :)

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