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My eyes peeled open to find Ethan completely wrapped around me. His arms were tightly held over my stomach and his head was nuzzled into my neck where tiny pieces of his hair tickled at my ear.

Part of me really liked the way this felt; the way he held me so close in his sleep, and the other part of me couldn't stop thinking of Grayson snuggled up to Mia in the room next to us.

The longer I kept things going with Ethan, the more I felt bad about leading him on. It was so obvious he really liked me, and I just didn't want to hurt him by telling him he's not who I want. Crazy right? I actually have a heart, I know.

I need to tell him soon, or everything is just going to blow up in my face and i'll lose any chance I have with either of them.

Yeah, yeah I know Grayson has Mia but that can easily be changed.

I slipped myself out from underneath Ethan's body and tip-toed out to where the hinges of the door cringed open. I looked back at him to see if he had woken up, but fortunately he was still asleep.

I expected Maddi and Alex were still here, but when I entered the dining area there was a note explaining they had left early to go eat breakfast with his family.

I guess I should make breakfast for everyone since I'm the first one up. Plus, it'll get me some brownie points with Grayson and Ethan.

Maybe if i approached things differently and I just started making myself look better, and Mia look worse, Grayson will see how wrong she is for him and how right we'd be together.


I was awoken by the smell of pancakes coming from down the hall. Mia was fast asleep under my arms; no sign of waking up any time soon.

The little digital clock on my bed side table read, 11:16AM. Fuck.

If I could choose to lay in this bed with my girl for the rest of my life, I would. But, of course good things always come to an end.

Lola's head poked through the door, "I made breakfast if you're hungry," she smiled. "Ethan isn't up yet and Maddi and Alex had to leave."

"Oh," I stated blandly, eyeing her suspiciously. "I'll be out in a second."

She nodded and glanced down at Mia before leaving my door way and closing my door behind her.

I really hope she stops trying things on me now that it's clear I only want Mia.

I placed a soft kiss on Mia's forehead before standing from my bed and walking down the hall to the kitchen where Lola sat at the dining table eating pancakes.

"Help yourself" she smiled again.

I thought it was odd how normal and genuine she's being.. Maybe she has given up on flirting with me? Thank god.

I grabbed a plate and sat down across from her as she poured some orange juice out of a pitcher into a cup she had grabbed for me.

"So," I cleared my throat. I opened my mouth to speak again but she beat me to it.

"I'm sorry about before. I mean, about all the flirting and stuff. I know you have Mia now and I won't try and ruin your relationship, I promise,"

There was a moment of silence as I tried processing what she had just said.

"And I really do like your brother. He treats me so well and I intend to do the same, okay? You don't have to worry about me." she softly laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

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