twenty nine.

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A lot of dancing and a bottle of vodka later, we were all sprawled out on the couch watching random things on TV that quite honestly, I couldn't care less about. All I could feel was Grayson's heart beat under my ear as I lay on his chest.

"Grayson?" I asked looking up at him. His eyes were closed and his lips were slightly parted.

I mentally laughed at how funny and cute he looked before I gave him a small squeeze attempting to wake him up without startling him. His eyes finally fluttered open and his warm brown eyes came in contact with my hazel ones.

"Hey sleeping beauty," I joked smiling up at him. He groaned and wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"I'm only giving you a pass for that comment because it's your birthday." he stated, closing his eyes once again.

"Oh how generous of you," I snorted. "You should go to sleep in your actual bed."

"Only if you come with me"

"Gladly." I winked. His eyes lit up like the 4th of July as I stood up and began walking towards his room. I swayed my hips back and forth, feeling the alcohol we consumed just a little bit ago still streaming through my veins. It was clearly getting to my head because this isn't something I would normally do to get his attention; it wasn't something I needed to do.

"Where're you guys goin'?" Maddi groaned from the opposite side of the couch we had been resting on. She was cuddled up on Alex as he remained fast asleep.

"We're going to bed; something you should do," I chuckled at her hair that was pointing in all different directions. "You don't wanna be hungover tomorrow."

She rolled her eyes and waved me off as her head fell back onto Alex's chest. I swear within seconds she was out like a light.

How does she do that.

I peered down on the floor right under the TV and saw Ethan also asleep with Lola on his chest. My eyes diverted back to his eyes as they fluttered under his eyelids.

It was so sweet of him to plan this little surprise party for me. He really does have the biggest, sweetest heart and I couldn't ask for a better best friend.

My eyes then traveled down to Lola's blonde locks draped all over Ethan's chest. Her hands were curled up at his side, and her legs were intertwined with his.

It feels like just yesterday that that was us; Ethan and I..

It's weird to think of how much has changed since all those nights I spent cuddled up next to him just like Lola is now. Now, i'm dating his brother, and he has someone of his own.

I really hope she cares for him as much as he does for her. You can see it in his eyes that he would do anything for this girl, and i'm just praying she treats him well.

I broke out of my trance once Grayson softly nudged his shoulder with the side of his foot.

"Wake up," he whispered whilst continuing shaking him lightly.

"What do you waaaant" he groaned sitting up carefully to avoid bothering Lola who was still passed out on his chest.

"Just wanted to save you from waking up in the morning with severe back pains," Grayson smiled lightly while a walking over to me.

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