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"Grayson is in his room, you can sleep in there tonight" Ethan snarled.

He stood by the door, holding it open just enough for me to pass through.

I swallowed my pride and allowed a few tears to seep out of the corners of my eyes as I pulled myself out of his bed.

What is wrong with me?

Not only did I ruin Grayson and I's relationship, but also mine with Ethan.

Making my way over to Ethan, I stood in front of him, grasping onto him praying he wouldn't kick me out.. just like Grayson did.

"Ethan," my lips trembled as he looked away from me and stayed silent.

It was probably best if I just left for good. I've ruined my friendship with both of them, there's no reason to stay any longer.

Ethan's door shut behind me with a loud bang. I glanced over at Grayson door to me left and placed my the palm of my hand on it; I guess this was my involuntary way of saying 'goodbye'.

I made my way down the long hallway for the last time, and left the apartment quietly.


As tired as I was, my bladder felt the need to wake me up. I checked my phone and it was already 11, meaning it was probably time to get up.

I was up pretty late last night, thinking of all the ways I could make it easier to stay away from Mia, but I couldn't think of any that would truly work.

I was sick to my stomach all the time; everytime I saw her face, I knew I needed her.

Maybe she could be good for you.

I stood up from my bed shaking away my conscious. Regardless of how good she is for me, I'm still horrible for her and everyone that knows me would agree.

My stomach grumbled as I turned out of my bathroom and out my room to the kitchen.

"Goodmorning," Ethan said with his head down at the table drinking coffee.

His cup looked untouched, and his fingers pushed the handle back and forth.

"Dude, you okay?" I asked dragging my hand along his back as I sat down in the chair beside him.

"Not really,"

His eyes stared at nothing in particular, but they were puffy and red.

"Is Mia still asleep?" I said smoothly standing up and opening the cabinet all the way to the far right to grab a mug.

"You tell me, she did sleep with you last night" he scoffed taking a sip of his coffee.

I began to pour coffee into my mug and-

"Wait, no Ethan," I set down the coffee and turned my body to face towards him, leaning back to rest my back on the counter. "She wasn't in my room last night?"

His eyes shot up and the cup he was once holding was now on the floor.

"What do you mean? Grayson don't play gam-,"

"E, I'm serious. I thought she slept with you," I panicked and pushed off the counter, stepping around all the spilt coffee.

There was a moment of silence as we stared at eachother wide-eyed.

"Mia!" we both yelled.

I ran towards the balcony.


Maybe the bathroom?


My guest bed?


I started to panic as I frantically ran around the apartment searching for her.

"I'm calling her," Ethan yelled from his room.

Running into his room, I stood there tugging at my hair and
wondering if she was okay.

She was fragile and innocent. I swear if anything happens to her-

"No one answered," he had a pained look on his face. He picked up his phone once for and dialed another number.

There was a slight pause filled with nervousness and uncertainty.

"Hello, Maddi- Hey.... No, everything is not okay. Is Mia there?.... No- we don't know where she went. Do you know any places she could be?"


She wasn't at Maddi's either and we had no place else to look.

My heart was beating at a dangerous pace, my palms were starting to sweat and I wanted to punch everything in sight.

"What the fuck, Ethan" I shouted as he hung up the phone.


"I thought you were staying with her last night, what the fuck happened?!"

I backed him up against the wall and gripped onto his shirt.

"We-we..." he stuttered, attempting to rip away from my grasp.

"YOU WHAT" I screamed.

"We- kissed a-and then she stopped me. She told me it wasn't fair to me," he explained.

My grip started to soften and I backed away from him.

"What do you mean?" my voice shook.

Thinking of them kissing made my insides twist into a knot.

She was mine.

"Before she woke up, she said your name in her sleep and-"

"What?" my stomach fluttered.

She said my name in her sleep?

"Then she woke up crying and then she kissed me. I kissed her back and it got pretty heated and then she just stopped me"

You could easily tell that he was hurt by this, he really wanted Mia.

"Then I- I kicked her out of my room I-"

"Ethan, you did not..." I breathed out. "You did exactly what I did, she probably feels horrible and that's why she left"

I threw my hands over my face and paced back and forth.

"I know, I was just so upset and I knew she wanted you so I told her to sleep with you last night but-" he paused and sat down. "I guess she left,"

"Well there's no sense for just sitting here. Let's go find her" I sighed and grabbed the keys off his bedside table.


this was a short chapter, sorry :(

Next one will make up for it I promise!!

Where do you think Mia will be?



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