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"Mia, wake up. It's time to start getting ready for the meeting,"

My mom tapped on the door before opening and peeking her head in. "Let's go," she pushed.

I groaned and brought the sheet over my head as she walked away. I shuffled my hands around under my pillows attempting to find my phone.

I lazily rolled onto my stomach once I gripped onto the cool metal.

Grayson: Good luck at your meeting

My stomach fluttered as I read his name on my phone. I bit my lip, smiling to myself as I rolled onto my back holding my phone to my chest.

Now that I've cleaned out all the confusion in my head, I knew exactly what I wanted.

I need him.

Of course I know he doesn't feel the same way, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy his company.

I stood up from my bed and trotted into my bathroom, ridding myself of last nights clothes and stepping under the hot water.

As I washed my body, I imagined Grayson's hands all over me; sliding his hands up and down my sides, pulling me close to him.

My core began to heat at the thought of him in the shower with me. Fuck.

I dropped the shampoo bottle and almost slipped as someone knocked onto my bathroom door.

"Mia, hurry. We have to leave in 45 minutes and you still need to get dressed!" my mother yelled from the other side of the door.

"Alright!" I yelled back, rinsing my body off.

I guess I lost track of time as I was having a hot fantasy about him.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off, and walked into my room and got ready.


"What'd you say your name was?"

The lady at the front desk shuffled through some papers and turned in her chair.

"Mia Scott,"

"Mr. Carter will see you in his office in 5 minutes," she smiled.

I nodded my head at her, smiling back and sitting down by my mom.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and pressed on Grayson's name.

Me: thanks.. I'm so nervous

I held my thumb over 'send' and stared at each word, making sure it was spelt right.

I sent it and placed it on my lap, tapping my foot anxiously, waiting for him to reply.

A couple seconds went by, just staring at the white walls and coffee colored chairs outlining the room. Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my palms and I turned it around so fast it almost slipped down to floor in between my legs.

Grayson: Don't be nervous. They'll love you.. how could they not?

My body started to tingle as I read over his words.

"What're you smiling at?" my mom nudged my arm, breaking me out of my trance for the second time today.

"Oh- just something Maddi said.."

My words seemed rushed and she gave me the sureeee look meaning she wasn't buying it, but she seemed to of brushed it off as she stared back at her phone.

My phone buzzed in my hand once more.

Grayson: to celebrate, let's all go to the pier tonight. You, me, Maddi, Alex and E.

Me: why are you so sure I'm gonna get signed?

Grayson: They'd be stupid not to sign someone like you..

I bit my lip and blushed as I sank into my seat holding my phone tight in my palm.

"Mia Scott? Mr. Carter is ready for you," a blonde girl said from the hallway entrance.

Both my mom and I stood and followed her to a room labeled with the number 238 in gold.

"Ah, you must be Mia and you must be Allison. It's nice to meet you- sit, sit!" Mr. Carter beamed.

I was shocked to see how young he was. His hair was black and shoulder length, perfect tan skin and he had the brightest smile I've ever seen.

Truthfully, I had expected the exact opposite considering this is a very well-known agency. He must have started off young and went straight into business, which apparently was extremely smart because he was a multi millionaire now and he's only in his late 20's, maybe 30's.

"It's really nice to meet you Mr. Carter," I smiled at him shaking his hand and sitting down in front of his desk on a white chair.

"Shall we get started?"


The meeting so far was full of going over paperwork and contracts that explain that if I'm signed I have to keep my body in shape and follow all the rules that list; no piercings, tattoos, etc.

"You seem like an amazing young women, and I can't wait to start working with you," he smiled pulling out two more forms.

"Wait, you're signing me?"

I've never felt more happy, I could literally feel tears stinging the back of my eyes as I stared at him wide-eyed.

"That's what I'm saying," he laughed and handed my mom two forms to fill out.

"Thankyou so much for this amazing opportunity,"

"No, thankyou for choosing us to apply for. We could use more girls like you," he chuckled taking a sip of his coffee.

We left after my mother filled out the rest of the forms and headed back to the apartment.

As we were pulling out of the parking lot, I decided I should pass along the good news to the one person I could not stop thinking about.

Me: guess who's a signed model?

A few moments passed and he replied quickly.

Grayson: I told you! I knew they'd love you

I rolled my eyes and smiled out the window thinking of the plans he made for us- well everyone tonight.

I just hoped nothing would go wrong..


SHORT CHAPTER but it had to end here for the next chapter to make sense👀 I'll update tomorrow morning-ish depending on when I wake up but yeah :)

love u and keep voting and commenting it makes me happy 💜


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