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My overwhelming desire to protect Mia was ruining me slowly. I didn't realize or think about how I would actually feel if something were to happen to her, but now I know and it sucks.

I could've saved her from this sick bastard and I would've beat the living shit out of him for touching my- I mean Mia.

The thought of some other guy's hands all over her made me sick.

Pictures of him pushing her around and kissing her body against her will flashed through my mind.

I could kill someone right now.

My mind was on overdrive and I couldn't think straight. I probably won't be able to until I know Mia is completely safe and away from that piece of shit.

Her long brown hair came into my peripheral vision and I looked up at her. Her hair was messy but cute, and she wore an oversized pink tshirt and a pair of sleep shorts. In her hands she held a huge bag that had god knows what inside. All I know is that it was bigger than her and I could see that she was struggling so I stood up and took the bag from her grasp.

"What're you wearing?" I asked staring down at her extremely short shorts. I was so tempted to drop this bag and pin her against the wall but I pushed those thoughts out of my head.

"What do you mean?" she asked looking down and examining her outfit.

"Your shorts are way too short" I pointed out and attached my eyes to the small fabric.

"Okay, dad" she laughed and pushed my shoulder playfully.

I was still pissed, I didn't want other guys looking at her like that. I don't even like the fact that Ethan is staring at her long legs right now. Actually, I hate the fact that he's looking at her like that at all.

"Bro, she looks fine. We're going straight back to our place anywa-" Ethan said before I cut him off.

"Shut the fuck up"

"Grayson," she scrunched her eyebrows and her lips parted. "Don't talk to him like that"


Ethan's face dropped and he stood up and walked out of the apartment without a word.

"Let's go" Grayson mumbled and headed towards the door. I rolled my eyes and followed after him passing him on the way out.

He needs to learn not to speak to people like that, I don't understand what has gotten into him. One minute he's the sweetest boy you could ever meet and the next he's moody and pissed.

I decided to catch up to Ethan. For one, I wanted to try and make him feel better and two, I wanted to show Grayson that he can't get what he wants by being rude.

I could tell Grayson doesn't like when I'm with Ethan just by the look on his face everytime we speak to eachother. I'm not exactly sure why but I just know it makes him mad and right now I couldn't care less.

I sped up my walking and Grayson gripped onto my wrist stopping me from catching up with E.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked still holding onto my wrist lightly. He had a prominent frown upon his lips and his eyes were soft.

See, this is what drives me insane. He was in the worst mood and now he's holding onto me looking like a lost puppy.

"I just don't like how you treat Ethan, is all" I said and removed my wrist from his grip and jogged up next to Ethan.

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