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As we all approached our blanket on the grass, Ethan walked up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I could feel his fingers, slightly grazing my skin underneath my shirt, rubbing his thumb in circles. I could feel his warmth radiating off of him due to his side pressed against mine. It felt nice to have someone show affection; I haven't gotten it in a long time.

As we all sat down, Ethan pulled me down into his lap. I was embarrassed that he did this in front of Maddi and Grayson, but there was nothing I could do now. His arms wrapped around me and he leant his chin on my shoulder.

I sat there stiff and unsure of how to feel. This is defiantly not helping the fact that I was trying to avoid catching feelings, but everything these boys do make me feel so flustered. It's hard to ignore the feeling I get in the pit of my stomach every time I lock eyes with them, or hug them or watch them laugh.


I realized what the real problem was. I'm feeling something for both of them, and it's just wrong. The more I string them along and let them hold me like this, the more I'm leading them on and it sickens me to think I could hurt their relationship.

I cleared my throat trying to break the awkward silence. Maddi was staring dreamily at Alex performing, Gray would stare at Ethan with a stern look on his face and then look away and clench his jaw, and Ethan was snuggling closer to me.

"Hey, Madds, I'm kinda thirsty. You wanna go grab some drinks real quick?" I said pleadingly. I needed to escape momentarily to collect my thoughts and think straight.

"How about you and Grayson go, I wanna watch this kid, he's so freaking good," she said emphasizing the 'freaking' and leaning back on her hands.

"I'll go with you," Ethan said in my ear sweetly. His voice made him sound like a six year old kid that was in trouble and it made my heart melt. He really is adorable.

"No, I'll go. I know a place," Gray interrupted my thoughts by standing up and holding a hand out for me to grab.

I heard Ethan sigh behind me and hesitantly let go of my waist so I could stand up.

I look up at Gray and down to where his enormous hand was spread out for me to grasp. Slowly but surely, I reached up and grabbed it softly.

He brought me up with ease and pulled me into his chest, still holding my hand tightly in his.

His eyes bored into mine, and I felt my knees tremble. "Let's go," he says locking his fingers in between mine and pulling me away from Ethan and Maddi.

"Where're we going?" I asked as we began making our way off of the grass. He glanced down at me and smirked.

"Gray. Where are we going?" I repeat chuckling. A small smile was plastered on his lips as he tried to contain his laughter.

"GRAYSON" I said shoving his shoulder playfully.

"You'll see!" he laughed and jogged in front of me swerving in and out of people.

"Wait!" I yelled running after him. His legs were extremely longer than mine so I was having trouble catching up. I did pretty good at keeping track of his head until some guy bumped into my shoulder.

Great, I lost him.

I stopped in my tracks and stood on my toes to see over the dozens of heads in front of me blocking my view. I couldn't see his fluffy hair anywhere in sight, even with me straining my eyes.

I gasped as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up from behind.

"Get off of me you creep!" I yelled harshly trying to wiggle out of their grip.

"No can do Miss,"

"Gray, you scared m- where are we going?" I whined as he began to run with me in his arms. That's when I saw the Dylan's Candy Bar ahead and I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I thought we were getting drinks?" I chuckled as he put me on my feet.

"It'll only take a second.. please?" he pouted, slumping his shoulders and looking at me with puppy eyes.

"That face isn't gonna work on me, sorry kid" I said shaking my head. It was hard to resist him but it was funny to see him beg.

"Pleeeeeasee, Miaaa" he whined pulling me into his chest and deepening his pout.

I groaned, I couldn't say no to him even if I wanted to, and that scared me.

"Fine, but only because you're cute" I stated pulling away from his arms and walking into the candy shop.

Grayson's eyes lit up as he scanned the room that contained an immense amount of candy. He ran over to a jar of gummy bears and poured basically the entire thing into one bag.

"Some of those better be for me" I joked trying to steal away his bag of gummy bears.

"Nope, all mine," he said pulling back the bag and looking me straight in the eyes. For some reason I felt as if he wasn't talking about the candy. My cheeks flushed a pinkish color and I scoffed playfully.

"You're not the only one that has an irresistible puppy face ya know" I said.

"Is that right?"

"Yep, and I'm gonna get some of those bears"

"We'll see" he smirked and walked up to the counter to pay.

As we exited to candy shop I stepped in front of Grayson and held out my hand.

He stopped in his tracks and crossed his arms, leaning his head back and licking his lips.

"What makes you think any of these are for you?"

"Pleasee, Gray?" I pouted, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and stepping closer to him.

"Nope," he replied popping the 'P'.

"Grayson, please" I said seriously, stepping even closer this time. My hands made their way onto his chest and I dragged them down slowly as I leant in to whisper in his ear. "Gray..."

"H-here" he said smiling flustered. He handed me the bag of gummies and I snatched them quickly.

"Gotchya!" I yelled as I sprinted back towards Maddi and Ethan.

"Hey!" he shouted, grabbed the back of my shirt to stop me and turned me around to face him.

"Did you just try and seduce me for my gummy bears?"

"Maybe..." I said looking up at him through my lashes.

"That wasn't very nice," he said licking his lips.

"Well it worked didn't it?"





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