Chapter 13

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May wakes up in the hospital feeling like she was on withdrawl. She sits up carefully and sees a girl sleeping in a chair next to the bed. She squints and her vision clears.

"Melissa?" She asks.

The girl sits up, sure enough it is Melissa, "May!"

She attacks May in a excited hug. She was crying. May returns the hug carefully. She missed Melissa, but she doesn't feel the overwhelming emotions her friend does. Melissa breaks away, wiping her eyes.

"This is the best week ever," Melissa sniffles, "My best friend is alive. And earlier this week I was visited by VIXX!"

May's head snaps toward her friend, "VIXX visited you?"

"Yes, they came to see you and me as an apology for skipping out on us at the concert," Melissa replies cheerfully.

"Three months after the concert?"

"They're preparing for their comeback," Melissa defends, "Although, they did seem a little out of it, especially N and Ken," she frowns, "They kept frowning and jumping around. N I know for a fact he didn't sleep at all. He was extremely agitated..."

Melissa is cut off by a woman's voice, "May, baby?"

"Mom?" she asks and is engulfed in yet another big hug. Her mother's tears soak May's flimsy hospital gown.

"May, oh my beautiful May Day," her mother whispers her nickname and May feels tears streaming. She breaks the hug first.

"Where's dad?" she asks, wiping her eyes.

"He's in the waiting area, Melissa, could you be a dear and go get him?" Mrs. Lancaster asks.

"Of course Mrs. Lancaster," Melissa gives her friend another hug, and leaves the room to find Mr. Lancaster.

"Now that she's gone," Mrs. Lancaster says, wiping her eyes, "Where have you been for the last two months?!" her mother is extremely, which wasn't good, her mother didn't get angry. she had a 'scary calm', "Your body was found dead at the crime scene, but it was stolen from the coroners office a few hours later. After, may I add, I saw your corpse with a cut through your neck that killed you instantly."

"I don't know, maybe it wasn't me?" May replies. N did say her family thought she was dead, he didn't say how or why.

"That doesn't answer my question May Elizabeth Lancaster," her mother says, and May swallows nervously. Her mother was a FBI agent, right now she was in investigator mode.

"A dark room," May answers, which wasn't entirely a lie.

For a while, she was in a dark room. She wasn't locked in there though, she could've left the room whenever she wanted to, hell, if she wanted to go outside of the house the boys would've probably let her as long as she was chaperoned.

"May Day?" her father's voice interrupts.

She swivels her head to the voice and sees her father standing in the door frame.

"Daddy?" she squeals and new tears come to her eyes. She had missed her father most of all. While she had seen her mother and even Melissa the day she went missing, her father had been away on a business trip days before. He approaches her slowly, but she leaps up dispite all the wires hooked up to her and hugs him tightly.

"Oh May Day," he whispers, stroking her dark hair.

She breaths in his familiar scent of cologne and coffee, she reaches out behind her and grabs her mothers wrist, pulling her in for a group hug. A polite cough breaks them up.

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