Special Chapter 2

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"Taekwoon, can you fetch your sister?" His mother asks, standing by the screen to his study. He nods forgetting she couldn't see him.

"Was that a yes?" she asks, and he realizes his mistake.

"Yes Mother," he replies, getting up. He doesn't bother cleaning up. The servants would do that.

He walks down the street. He had refused to have someone carry him, not on such a nice day.

His friend greets him outside their house.

"Good afternoon Taekwoon," the young man greets, bowing. Taekwoon bows back.

"Good afternoon," he answers, "I'm here to fetch my sister."

"I shall have somebody bring her out," his friend snaps his fingers and a servant working nearby rushes over.

"How can I be of service my lord?" she asks, bowing 90°. She doesn't dare rise.

"Bring Taekwoon's sister out," he orders, she nods and leaves.

The two young men converse while they wait.

"Your sister has grown quite beautiful," his friend states. Taekwoon nods.

"Taekwoon!" comes a familiar call.

He smiles and turns, his sister was approaching. She wraps her arms around him and hugs him tightly. He hugs her back.

"How was your day?" he asks her, waving goodbye to his friend.

"It was okay," she answers, "Mi Han's feet still scare me though."

He nods at her in understanding. While he also thought the practice of foot binding was disgusting, that's just the way it was for wealthy women. Fortunately, their father would not allow his daughter to be maimed like that.

The two siblings were lucky. While it seemed in most wealthy families status was all that mattered and children were a means of achieving that, their father and mother cared deeply about their welfare and opinions.

They arrive home, where father is waiting with two men on horses, along with an extra horse being held by a servant. The siblings bow in respect.

"Son, we are about to go hunting," His father informs, "Would you like to come along?"

"Yes father," Taekwoon answers, then mounts.

A few hours later, they are coming back with no game. Suddenly, Taekwoon's horse is spooked and takes off deeper into the woods. He clings to its mane for dear life. It eventually throws him off. He lands hard on his back.

Slowly, he rises and looks around. He had never been to this part of the forest before. It is unnervingly silent.

"Can I help you?" somebody asks from behind him, he jumps and turns. A beautiful woman in a hood was staring at him.

"My horse threw me," Taekwoon replies.

"Ah, I see," the woman comments, then asks, "Are you with anybody?"

"I was with my father and a few servants hunting," Taekwoon answers warily, "My horse was spooked and ran away with me on him."

"So they don't know where you are?" the woman asks, licking her lips and coming closer to him. He backs away swiftly.

"No, but they will look for me."

He stumbles over a tree root and falls on his back. She looms over him, a cruel smile on her face.

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