Chapter 36

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"Finally," May flops on her own bed gratefully.

N laughs, leaning against her door frame. She was so cute. He was curious about her alcohol capacity. Especially since she'd probably be drinking a lot tonight.

"I'm going to go to sleeeeeeeeep," she drags out the word, popping the 'p'.

He laughs again, "You can take a nap, I'll wake you up later."


"I have a surprise."

He leaves without another word, closing her door behind him. He runs down the stairs and into the family room, where the boys are waiting.

"Who's for sure coming?" He asks upon entering. Leo looks up.

"Infinite sunbaenims, they were the first to RSVP," Leo answers, he sounded excited.

"Henry, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Siwon, Heechul, and Leetuk hyungs confirmed, I don't know about the others," Ken continues for Leo, "All the girls from Girls Generation are coming, although, Taeyeon, Yuri, Yoona, and Tiffany noonas said something about a makeover. I hope they meant for May and not us--"

"Just continue with the list," N sighs, Hyuk picks up where Ken left off.

"GD and Taeyang said yes, and so did the 2NE1 noonas, although Minzy had to cancel. Everybody else is coming with no complications."

"Good," N rubs his hands together eagerly, "Let's go get refreshments!"

Leo volunteers to stay behind to watch May and keep her occupied. They leave after N takes one last look at his sleeping mate.


May wakes up alone and hungry. She swings her legs out of bed and creeps out of her room. Or tries to anyway, when the door swings open, revealing Leo. She shrieks a little and backs up, only to trip and fall on her butt. Leo snickers.

*You okay there?* He asks in her mind, offering her a hand. She takes it gratefully and he yanks her up.

*I'll live* Her stomach growls *Although, I am hungry.*

*So I heard. Stay here, I'll be right back.*

True to his word, he's gone and back in seconds. When he comes back, he has two containers of ice cream and two spoons.

*Here* He hands her one of each.

She giggles *Um, Leo, when I said I'm hungry, I meant for food. Not ice cream.*

*I know, but this might be the only time we have to celebrate your birthday alone. It's January, a month later. We have to celebrate eventually.*

*I was serious when I said I didn't want a big deal made of it* May opens the ice cream anyway and eats it.

*You're nineteen, officially an adult. You can do anything you want now, smoke, drink, anything you want.*

She flinches. *He passed the anything limit a while ago.*

*That's not what I...*

May's personal thoughts cut him off. She can almost feel his hands running over her skin again, ripping away her clothes, pinning her in place...

*Suddenly, she is in a large field filled with wild flowers. Somebody taps her shoulder and she sees N behind her, offering her a bouquet of the pretty things. She takes them, confused.

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