Chapter 28

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After May screams, Melissa immediately starts coughing and taking shaky breaths.

"M-m-m-May?" She stutters breathlessly.

"Yes, Melissa, I'm here, May's here," May whispers back, taking the other girls head in her lap.

"Am I in heaven?" Melissa asks, tears coming out of the corner of her eyes.

"No, Mel, you're here with me," May soothes.

"But, May, you're in heaven?" Melissa sounded distressed, "You've been dead for almost six months now..." she bursts into a fit of coughing.

"What are you talking about, I saw you last month?" May asks, confused.

"The last time... I saw you... was when you were being lowered into the ground."

Melissa's answer shocks May. Before she can respond, Hyuk runs through the door into the room. His eyes widen when he sees Melissa lying on the ground struggling to breath.

"May, what's going on, how did Melissa get here?" He asks.

"Camille brought her here for some deranged reason," May responds, "She was choking her."

"Why does Camille always make things so complicated?" Hyuk groans, someone bangs on the door.

"Hyuk, we know you're in there," someone, Ken, shouts, "Unlock this door right now!" Hyuk picks up Melissa.

"What are you doing?" May hisses

"I'm going to take her back home," he whispers, "If they manage to get in, just tell them I ran after something that was in here," he looks at her before disappearing, leaving the window open behind him.

"Hyuk, open the door dammit!" Ken shouts. May feels the floor where Melissa was.

"May," Somebody grunts from behind her. She whirls and sees Ken.

"How did you get in?" She asks startled.

"I'm able to pass through solid objects, I just don't because it hurts so much," he answers, picking her up. His eyes were red, he was clearly pissed, "Where the hell is Hyuk?"

"Why didn't you make Ravi do it?"

He ignores her question, "Where. Is. Hyuk?"

"He's chasing something that was in here," May lies.

"I can only smell you and him in here," Ken points out, his eyes slitting.

For some reason he was really provoked. He unlocks the door for the others. N, Hongbin, and Leo walk in, they were provoked as well, all of their eyes were red. She backs away from them, concern for Melissa flooding her mind. Hyuk's eyes hadn't been red, what if he was suddenly hungry and he couldn't resist Melissa? Worse, what if Camille takes control of him?

*Mina, let me take over, something is definitely up* the voice pleads.

*No, you'll just piss them off more* May answers, but demon May is already taking over *Don't hurt them!*

*No promises if they attack you, you're body can't take loosing any more blood*

May's senses dim as the demon part of her takes over.


"Melissa!" Leo hears May scream from N's room. The others hear it too.

"Stop," Camille's voice says before they can move. Leo whirls, she is standing there. She laughs.

"What are you doing here Camille?" N growls.

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