Chapter 40

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They whirl, N pushes May behind him protectively. Camille, as expected, was standing there. But with her was a strange figure wrapped in a dark cloak.

"So this is her?" The figure asks, her voice distinctly feminine.

"Yes, and the dark skinned boy is her mate," Camille answers gleefully.

"Hmm, couldn't have chosen someone more attractive?" The voice holds a trace of anger and around her is a dangerous aura.

"I chose him for a reason," Camille whines.

"The reason being they were already mate's you just speeded up the process?" The woman reaches into her hood and rubs her temples, "After two milliniums I have come to expect more from you."

Her voice sounded angrier than before and Camille cringes. N's eyes widen and he sees everyone else is scared as well. Camille was unfearing and fierce. If she was scared of this woman, than this woman was more dangerous than N could comprehend.

"You should've chosen this one," the woman reaches our quickly with a silken hand and strokes Hongbin's hair. He jerks away and into Leo, who steadies him, "He's far more attractive."

"What do you want Camille?" Leo hisses. His fangs were out and his eyes were blood red.

"Allow me to introduce the Princess of Hell, May's mother," Camille chortles.

"What?" May whispers, pushing out from behind N. Ken, who was standing nearby, tries to grab her wrist, to hold her back, but she eases her hand away.

"Let's hurry this along," The demon woman says, pushing back her hood, "I can only hold this form for twenty-four hours and it's already been sixteen."

N has to contain a gasp. The demon woman was a spitting image of May. The only difference was that the demon's eyes were an onyx black, no whites. It was terrifying to see your reflection look back at you from somebody's eyes.

"Ah, Mina, you've grown up," the demon says, she sounded sarcastic, "How have you been?"

"You're not my mother," May whispers, slowly going near to the woman. Camille moves aside so she can.

"May, what are you doing?!" Hyuk cries.

He tries to go to her but Camille whips out his doll and pulls one leg out. He whimpers when his bone breaks, all of them can hear it. Ken sets the leg and waits for Hyuk to heal a bit before helping him up. N glares at her; she just laughs and messes with Hyuk's doll some more. Hyuk mewls in pain. Ravi snarls and rushes Camille; she simply shifts to the left, grabs his dark locks, and throws him back. He lands hard on his shoulder.

"Oh, Mina, I am," the woman smirks. Suddenly, she's right beside May, using her hair to tilt her head back. She growls, "You smell like an angel my daughter."

"I spent some time with dad witch!" May yelps.

The demon sniffs her neck, "No darling, it's more than that. You've managed to break out your angelic form."

N swallows.

*So that's what she became?*

"What the hell are you talking about?" May hisses and the demon woman pulls her head further back.

"Oh no, this won't do, I want you to come back to Hell with me," the woman bites her wrist and brings it to May's mouth, "Drink."

"NO!" May cries and tries to turn away.

N attempts to run to her, protect her, but Camille shoves him back; she smirks as she pulls out the his doll and tilts it's head to the side. His head jerks as well and he feels something pop in his neck.

"Drink darling," the demon says, holding her wrist to May's mouth.

N looks up and sees her forcing May's mouth open and pouring the black stuff in. May tries to spit it out, but the demon blocks off her mouth and nose.

"Swallow," she orders.

N sees May relectantly obey. As soon as she does, she chokes and sputters. Then she screams in agony and falls to the ground. Camille laughs as the demon reaches down and strokes writhing May's hair gently.

"Don't worry Mina, it'll be over soon. And then, you can spend the rest of eternity with me."

They both disappear. Ravi is the first one to her. He kneels beside her and shakes her shoulder. She whimpers and opens her eyes, he immediately removes his hand.

"N-hyung, something is very wrong!" He cries, " Her eyes are a pure black just like that demon's!"

N walks over to her and feels her face. He usual warm skin is freezing. Ravi was right, her eyes did look like the demon's. For a brief second, her eyes flashed gold, then went back to black.

"N," she whispers, reaching and grabbing his wrist weakly, "Help."

She passes out.

"Leo, can you...?" N starts.

"Yes," Leo whispers and goes over to her, placing his hands on her head. Before he can do anything however, he is thrown back.

"Sh-sh-she's in s-s-so m-much p-pain," he whispers hauntingly, "Whatever was in the blood that bitch made her drink is hurting her so much."

N scoops her in his arms, runs upstairs to his room, and lays her on his bed. He runs to her room, grabs her sweats, and rushes back. He changes her clothing and wipes off her makeup. She whimpers softly and opens her eyes again. This time they are black laced with gold streaks.

"Oppa, it hurts," she whispers, a single tear slipping out of her eye. He wipes it away and kisses her forehead.

"I know," he murmurs into her forehead, "I know it hurts."

"Why'd you do this tonight. The notes and the presents?" She asks, her eyes drooping.

"I met your dad," he whispers, "He told me I needed to apologize to you, that inside you had already forgiven me, you just needed to be probed on the outside. I used this. Leo suggested the kitten, what do you want him to be called?"

"Let's name him after Leo then..." She answers with a small smile before her eyes close.

She let's out a cry of pain; he feels tears when she does and hugs her tightly. He falls asleep with her in his arms.

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