Chapter 24

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N hears May and Ken walk through the door from the family room. He gets up and is out the door in seconds, only to see May sprinting to the washroom again. He hears the sound of her being sick and goes up to Ken. He had a large wet spot on his shirt, N can smell May on him.

"Why is May sick?" He asks concerned.

Ken shrugs, "She's had a stomach ache and has been," he indicates to the sounds coming from the washroom, "Since before we left the restaurant, that's why she took so long in the washroom."

"Does she have a fever?"

"No, I think she ate something that gave her food poisoning," Ken's answer is simple, but it still makes N angry. How could she get food poisoning, she hadn't eaten anything raw or undercooked, had she?

"Do you know what made her devolve those symptoms?" He asks, cooling his flaring temper.

"No, but I think it had something to do with what we ate for lunch," Ken replies, "Symptoms for food poisoning take four to twenty-four hours to develop. We were in the restaurant for a little more than one or two, we didn't get food until a half and hour in. But three hours before, Manager Park brought us takeout Chinese food, I think her body's responding to something in her fried rice."

"When did you become a medical professional?" N jokes half heartedly.

"I looked it up in the cab using the cabbies phone," Ken answers, rubbing the nape of his neck, "He didn't like it and charged me extra."

May comes out of the washroom and goes straight to her room. She looked miserable. He starts to go after her, but, for the second time that day, Ken stopped him.

"She doesn't want to see you right now," he explains, "She semi-believes what I said, that what she heard you saying was out of context. But not entirely. She's hurting N, she cried for a while. It's not just what you said. I may not be able to read minds like Leo, or understand every language like Hongbin, but I know girls.

They cry for extended periods of time after they've pent up their emotions for a while. What you said, it just triggered her breaking point. Make sure you let her know you care, but give her time to, get herself together. Okay?"

Ken walks away without another word. N walks slowly up to May's door and knocks lightly on the door.

"What?" May moans from inside.

"May, it's N," he calls.

"Go away!" She is on the verge of tears again, he can hear it.

"Listen, I know you're upset with me. I'm upset with me, the wording was bad. I'm sorry. I'm going to go now, but when you're ready, please, come find me," he says, taking Ken's advice. He doesn't hear her moving, he sighs and leaves her alone in her room.


May wanted to puke again, but there was nothing left in her stomach. She hears N's voice through the ringing in her ears. She whimpers and remains on her back. Her body was sore all over, she didn't want to move.

*Mina, what's going on?* the voice in her head cries in pain.

*I don't know, I thought it was food poisoning.* May answers back *You feel it too?*

*Of course I do, I may be the evil side of you that's very powerful, but this, it's horrible. Worse than cramps or that time we got the flu.*

May whimpers as another wave of pain hits her. Her back was on fire but she couldn't move. The other part of her was screaming. She was hot for once, not cold. Camille's voice sounds in her head, telling her not to dare drift off or Hyuk would suffer. May couldn't control herself. With her last bit of strength, she whispers.

"N, help...." she couldn't hear herself.


"N...." Hongbin hears the plea from his room across the hall.

"May?" He mutters, then shrugs.

If she wanted N, he'd let N take care of her. He had to anyway. He didn't blame her for running away at his words, he had heard the entire conversation and he thought N's wording was terrible.

It's not that he didn't care about May, she just never seemed to want any of them except for N and Ken. She was always worried about Hyuk, and if she got to know Leo, she'd probably rely on him as well. But him and Ravi, she barely talked to them. Hongbin had given up on trying the day Hyuk came back.

"Help..." the other word is barely heard to him, so faint. He frowns, that is a weird plea, if she wanted help she should talk louder. He gets up and crosses the hall.

"I'm gonna regret this," he mumbles, then knocks lightly on the door, "May? Are you okay?"

She doesn't reply. He listens, he could hear her breathing but it was ragged, not hitching and sighing like she usually did when she was asleep. His frown deepens. He knocks again, this time a bit harder and louder.

"May, are you okay?" He asks louder.

She doesn't answer again. He tries the knob, it turns. He swings the door open and sees May lying motionless on the bed. He walks over to her, listening for her heartbeat. He can barely hear it. He grabs her wrist, it's burning up. He feels her face and his face is grave as he picks her up and runs down the stairs with her in his arms.

"N-hyung!" He shouts.


N and Leo come out of the dining room, holding glasses filled with wine dilluded blood. When N sees May in Hongbin's arms, lying limply, her face covered in sweat, the glass crashes to the floor. It shatters, wine and blood soaking the ground. He doesn't care. He takes May in his arms and brushes away the hair on her face. He cries out. Ravi and Ken come bolting down the stairs.

"Ravi, get us to a hospital," N cries.

Ravi takes N's shoulder and May's hand. They are outside a hospital. N rushes inside and tells the receptionist. May is wheeled away on a gurney, N is stopped before he can follow her into emergency care.

"She looks to be showing flu like symptoms," the nurse tells him, "How long has she been having these symptoms?"

"A little bit after we ate lunch, around 1:30 (1330). I thought it was food poisoning, that's why I didn't come sooner," N tries to fight to get away from the nurse.

He holds N back. Security drags N out of the hall and into the waiting area, where everyone except Hyuk is waiting.

"What's wrong with her N," Ravi asks, concern in his voice.

"I don't know," he answers distractedly.

They wait for hours before someone comes out with information on May.

"She's going to be okay," the doctor says, looking at his clipboard.

"Can we visit her?" Ken asks.

"Yes, but first," he replies, "We don't know quite what's wrong with her, but she's not awake yet. She has a high fever and you said she was vomiting. It looks like the flu, but the fact that she passed out could have something to do with her heredity. She's in room 639."

"Thank you doctor," N answers, bowing.

He runs off and goes into the room. May has an IV needle in her arm, her eyelids were pale and she was shivering. He takes of his jacket and wraps it around her, she stops trembling so much. He takes her hand.

"May, wake up," N begs, "Please."


Camille screams in anger as she watches May in her weakened state.

"Why is he interfering now?!" She shrieks, throwing a glass perfume bottle on the floor.

The smell fills the air, arousing a sleeping Hyuk. He watches her in fear as she throws more things on the floor.

"He's NEVER cared about her wellbeing, why is that damned angel getting involved?!"

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