Chapter 44

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Demon May jolts up when she feels hit breath against her neck.

"Good, you're awake," Camille whispers, now in front of her.

May cracks her neck and grins, "Yup. Is mother here?"

Camille shakes her head, "She can only escape the chains binding her for so long. She's back in Hell."

"Mhm, okay," May yawns, and gets up.

Her senses were higher than normal, it felt weird, but good at the same time. She could hear screams through the walls. She found herself able to recognize each one; Ravi, Binnie, Kenny Boy, Leo, and little Hyukkie. The only one she couldn't hear was N, she frowns. She wanted to hear him begging for once.

*You don't want that...* The real May whispers in the back of her mind.

*Who's to say that I don't?* her demon mentally scoffs.

*You still have a slight loyalty to me, don't you?*

*Nope, Mother's blood is overpowering that. I'm wholly a demon right now, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.*

*I can try.*

*You'll lose.*

*Still, I can't let you hurt the ones I love.*

Demon May gets a pounding headache as the real May fights back. She was so weak, it was pathetic.

"Why isn't N screaming?" She asks Camille.

Camille sighs, "I'm clever, but he's older now. I used to make him fight and if he lost I'd beat him, but now he has full control over his vampire abilities. What am I supposed to do to him?"

May smirks, "You could let me handle him."

Camille glances at May, clearly liking what she heard, "You'd torture your own mate?"

"He's 'good' May's mate. Not mine."

"Then, by all means," Camille holds up N's doll. May pushes it away.

"No, I want to see his face."

Camille smiles cruelly, "Down the hall, third room to the left. You're welcome to any of my... tools."

"Don't want or need them."

May walks away with a smirk on her face. She reaches the door that Camille instructed her to and swings it open. N is lying on the floor with his arms suspended in the air because of the chains around his wrists. As soon as she sees him, her headache increases. Demon May rolls her eyes and walks over to him. That angelic little girl wouldn't be able to fight her off.

"N, wake up," she whispers.

He rolls his head and opens his eyes slightly. He was panting after the slight movement. His fangs were out, she notices, and his dark skin was dry and cracked.

"May?" He mewls softly. She touches his cheek lightly, he flinches. She frowns, grips his chin, and forces him to look at her.

"You're not My May," he whispers, "You're not my mate. My May isn't a demon, you only share her body."

Before she can realize what she's doing, she has broken him out of his chains and dragged him to Camille. She throws him at her feet.

"Why is he like this?!" May shrieks, N covers his ears.

"He needs to drink blood. He's been without it for a few days now," Camille answers casually, sitting down on a chair, "Besides, why do you care?"

"I don't," May snaps, then glances at N again.

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