Chapter 18

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"Hyuk is dead May," Leo tries to say, but she cuts him off.

"He's alive!" May pleads, turning to N, "Sniff the air, hell, sniff me! He was here I swear! I wouldn't lie. Not about this."

N sighs and sniffs. The scent of her blood is overpowering. Just underneath, there was a faint smell, it was familiar... but it was so weak he couldn't identity it. Hongbin smells it as well, the frown on his face said that.

"May, calm down!" Ken cries, N whirls. May was trying to climb out of the open window. Ken was trying to hold her back, but somehow she was overwhelming his vampire strength.

"Shit," he mutters and helps Ken.

He grabs her around her waist and pulls her away from the window. She shrieks and tries to pull away, scratching N's arms desperately. He let's her go and she dashes for the door. Ravi lunges and grabs her wrists.

"May, stop it," he orders.

"No, she's gonna hurt him, she said she'd torture him until if he was a normal vampire he'd die!" She cries hurriedly and frantically.

She fights to get away from him, but he is slightly stronger that the other two boys. Leo sighs and turns her so she faces him, and backhands her. She shuts up immediately. It didn't look like she was hurt, Leo didn't hit her that hard. She sinks to the ground and puts her knees to her chin. She takes deep, controlled breaths.

"N, he was here," she whispers, calm, "He held me while Camille tried to take my energy. Then the voice took over and I threw her off. I got him off of me and saw him. He looked horrible. She's been doing something to him for a while. He was grey and his fangs weren't as white as they used to be. Please, please, believe me."

He sighs and drops next to her. Her face is still in her knees, he turns her face to look at him. Her eyes were golden brown.

"May, I want to believe you, I honestly do. But how can I believe you when I saw Hyuk dead with my own eyes. How can I believe you when I felt my connection to him as his maker snap?"

"I don't know," she whispers, drawing her knees closer to her face. For the first time in a while, he sees her shivering, "I don't know."


When they leave, May remains sitting in the scattered broken glass. She thinks through her memories. She tries desperately to remember before the angel cut off her wings but she can't. She can only remember the anger on his beautiful face, as he drew his sword, held out them out, and sliced straight through the bone. She whimpers as her back begins to throb.

She wants N, feel his arms around her, his healing presence. But she refuses to go to someone who didn't trust her. She'd suffer through it, and so would he until he apologized.

Now that she thinks about it, that is easier said than done. She wasn't even sure N liked her. Yes, he had protected her, he had even kissed her at the studio, but he had said something before that and she can't remember what it was. Maybe he was going to regret it?

"May?" Hongbin asks from behind her.

"Yes?" She answers.

He sits next to her. She looks at him and sees the masked pain in his eyes. But right on top of it is the smallest sliver of hope.

"Did you really see Hyuk? Is he really alive?" He asks, almost nervously.

She nods, and lowers her head into her knees.

"I saw him, he was terrified. He didn't sound it, but his aura was an aura of fear."

"He's alive," Hongbin breaths, "He's alive, Hyuk's alive." He grabs May's shoulders, "Is he working with Camille?"

"I don't think so, at least, if he is it's not his choice. I told you, he was terrified."

He shakes her earnestly, "We have to rescue him May, I can't lay back and wait if he's alive. I don't want him to get hurt."

"Neither do I," May answers simply, then looks at him again, "If I think of a plan to get him back, will you help me?"

"Of course I will!" He declares, then is up and hissing at the sound of a small voice by the window.

"That won't be needed."

Somebody climbs through the still open window.

"Hyuk?" Hongbin asks softly, then attacks him in a ferocious hug, "HYUK!"

Ken dashes in at the sound of Hongbin's shout. He freezes when he sees Hyuk standing in the moonlight. He then shouts in joy and rushes to join the hug.

"Leo, Ravi, N! Get in here!" He calls and the three vampires are in there so fast there was a small gust of wind.

When Ravi sees Hyuk, he looses all his dignity and squeals and jumps up and down like a little girl before joining the hug. Leo and N look at each other, then at May, she avoids their gaze. They join the hug.


May is staring at Hyuk like she was seeing a ghost. N couldn't blame her, she had seen him hours ago with Camille threatening him. He feels a pang of guilt as he looks at her, he had basically called her crazy for saying and thinking Hyuk was alive. And here Hyuk was, alive. She was right, he was kind of grey, and he couldn't see his fangs. The right thing to do was to apologize to May. But, she would get over it even if he didn't, right?

"I've missed you guys so much," Hyuk was saying. N smiles at him, ruffling his hair.

"N-hyung!" He complains, but he is smiling.

"Come on Hyuk, you must be hungry," he answers, "I'll make food just for you."

"Really?!" Hyuk asks excitedly, "I should come back from the dead more often if I get this kind of special treatment."

"Don't even think about it," Ken laughs.

"Besides, Manager Park doesn't even know you came back from the dead," Ravi teases.

They leave May alone in the room, N shoots her one last guilty glance before he leaves.


Camille watches the boys and May. She seemed oblivious as she started to clean up her room.

"Oh May," she says, stroking the doll's head, "You didn't think I'd give up that easily did you? Hyuk is right where I want him."

She laughs and throws the doll onto the bed.

Authors note
This chapter's kinda boring sorry, but hopefully that little bit at the end makes up for that. Camille hasn't hurt Hyuk, yet... *laughs evilly* I'm gonna stop before I spoil anymore. Bye bye

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