Chapter 41

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(This chapter contains some slightly mature content)

*May is alone in the dark. She was burning with no flames, her screams echo off the walls. It cools slightly and she can see N. She hears herself speaking but she can't make out the words. He is crying and the image goes black again.

"Finally, you're the one who's helpless," a voice sneers; May automatically knows it's her demon side.

"W-what's g-g-going on?" May stutters breathlessly.

"Mother let me drink her blood, it's throwing off the 'balance' between us, removing the angelic side of you from me, your literal inner demon. You see, she wants to throw off your progress so you can never earn your wings back. Her current goal is probably to make me so powerful and destructive that Micheal casts you into Hell."


"Because demon's have a connection with their children, similar to the one you have with N, only it's one sided; you don't desire her but she desires you."

"Don't hurt them," May whimpers.

"Well, I want to have some fun," the demon giggles, "I think I'll start with N..."




N feels a chill as cold fingers running down his chest through his shirt; his eyes fly open. It's dark in his room, but he can still see May smirking down on him.

"May, what are you doing?" He asks as she climbs on top of him. Her eyes are pure black.

*Oh shit*

"Giving you what you want," she giggles, pulling at the hem of his shirt.

"May, stop," he orders, pushing her hands away and off of him.

"Why?" She asks, climbing back on to him, this time straddling him. He feels his pants tighten with anticipation.

"Because you're not yourself," he mutters, trying to get her off again. She strokes him through his clothes and smirks again.

"Neither were you," she murmurs, flipping her hair out of her face while leaning down to him. Her lips connect with his. "But unlike Mina, you're gonna enjoy this. You already are."

She kisses him passionately while still palming him. He bites back a moan of pleasure when her fingers slip into the waistband of his pants.

"May," he groans, "This is wrong!"

"What's so wrong about it?" She purrs, and grasps him, her lips moving to his neck and sucking hard. He knew it would leave a mark with the amount of force she was using.

N gasps as she moves her hand up and down. He arches his hips unvoluntarily. Just when he felt he was about to blow, she releases him and climbs off. He grunts and grabs her wrist, wanting her to come back and finish what she started. She shakes her head in the dark.

"Nope," she giggles, "This is your punishment."

"For what?" He mumbles, trying to tug her back. She yanks her wrist out of his hand.

"For raping and abusing Mina," she whispers, and she's gone.

"Damn," he whispers.


Hyuk is in Hongbin's room, sitting on the other boy's spare bed. He was still jumpy from the previous night.

"Hyukkie, can you bring me my shirt?" Hongbin calls.

Hyuk complies, grabbing a shirt out of one of the many drawers and throwing it into the washroom. When he turns around, he nearly screams when he sees May sitting on the bed; she is looking down. He hadn't heard her come in or seen her come in; how the hell did she do that, his back was only turned for a few seconds.

"May, what are you doing here?" He asks cautiously.

"I came to see you," she whispers, and looks up at him. He goes full vampire when he sees her black eyes.

"May, get out," he hisses.

"I don't want to," she looks serious.

She attacks him and he attempts to throw her off. He fails, she has a tight grip around his neck and throws him into the wall. He struggles to get up and hisses while she approaches.

"Hongbin!" He cries.

She tackles him and pins him to the ground. Her knee is driving into his stomach. Her nails feel like claws at his throat, digging in. He can feel blood, his blood dripping from the new wounds.

"May, get off of Hyuk," Hongbin's voice is cold.

"I don't want to, I'm just getting started," she giggles, dragging her nails, which are dug into Hyuk's neck, down. He cries out as his flesh is sliced open.

"Get. Off. Of. Hyuk," Hongbin growls.

He grabs her by the hair and pulls her off of Hyuk. Or, at least he tries The second he touches her, she whirls and bangs him against a wooden table, breaking under the force. She grabs one of the now broken off legs and holds it above her head like a dagger. The end was pointed, Hyuk notices, and realization hits him like a brick: it was a wooden stake. He tries to get up, but he can't, he was too weak.

"Should we see if the legend is true?"

She laughs cruelly and brings it down. Hyuk could only watch as the sharp object made its way toward his friends heart.

"Mina, offspring of an angel and demon, I command you to stop and allow the one we know as May back."

Hyuk turns to the voice, he was amazed to see Ravi and Leo there, working together. May stops and shrieks, rolling off of Hongbin and onto her knees. She lowers her head and holds her hands over her ears. Her screams echo through the house. She gets up and stumbles around, straight to Leo.

"You invoked the power of a name!" She cries.

Hyuk can see that her eyes are grey and gold before she falls to the ground. Her body jerks in seizures, then abruptly stops. She passed out. Leo picks her up and carries her next door, bumping into a sleepy Ken on the way out. Ken rubs his eyes and looks at the chaos in the room.

"What the hell happened in here?"

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