My Story

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My name is Cleo Annabeth Salvatore, and no I'm not just a vampire. Unlike my brothers I did not grow up in Mystic Falls, My father sent me away to a private all girls school in London. The only time I would have to spend with my brothers is during summer when i have to come home. I think the reason he sent me away was to protect me from all the vampire madness. Little did he know he didn't protect me, he was sending me somewhere where much more dangerous things lie.

Onea summer of 1864, because of the war my father didn't allow me home. Instead he gave me enough money to get a nice place for the summer and money to enjoy myself. I hated being away from my brothers, even though they both wrote to me often.

One day I went for a walk looking for a place to stay when I bumped into a beautiful blonde woman "I'm so sorry." I quickly said.

"Oh darling its alright. What are you doing all alone in this big city?" she asked with a smile.

I smiled back at her "Just trying to find something to do around here. I am not from around here." I said looking around.

The girl giggled "I can tell you don't sound like your from here. No accent." She said with a wink "I'm Rebekah Mikaelson." she held out her hand which I shook.

"Cleo Annabeth Salvatore its nice to meet you." I said happily "Your the first friend I have made in this awful town."

"Well I was just on my way to a little get together with some family and friends would you care to join me?" Rebekah asked with a smile.

"Sure I would like that very much." I replied and followed her. We talked small talk on the way there and when we reached our destination she turned to me.

"Cleo when we go in there please stick with me? My family can be a pain sometimes." She asked. Which made me smile we just met and she already cares for my safety.

"Yes ill stay by your side." I said as we entered the building where all eyes were on us.

I grabbed onto Rebekah's arm as we started to walk and the stares were so intense. "Ah sister who have you brought into our home this time?" A man said in a thick accent.

"Nik, be nice this is Cleo Annabeth Salvatore. I wanted to show her a good time, she is all alone here." Rebekah said pushing me forward.

A man in a suit walked up and took my hand "A pleasure to meet you Cleo, I'm Elijah." he said as he kissed my hand.

I blushed a little because no one has ever shown me such attention. The other man stood up and pushed his brother out of the way "And I am Niklaus." he said with a smirk.

I smiled at them "Its nice to meet you guys. So you guys are all family?" I asked.

Rebekah pulled me behind her when Klaus got too close. "Not quite darling." A voice said from behind me.

"Woah! Where did you come from?" I yelled.

The guy with the dark hair just chuckled "Quite cute this one Bekah." he said.

I rolled my eyes "This is Kol another brother." Rebekah said.

"And I am Finn." Another voice said walking and shaking my hand.

I smiled at this family before me they all were gorgeous. "It really is a pleasure to meet you all. Thank you for allowing me in your home, my family back home will not allow me home because of the war." I said looking down.

Rebekah came over to me and wrapped a arm around my shoulders "Its okay you are more than welcome to stay with us." she said looking in my eyes.

I smiled and looked at everyone "Really? You guys would all be okay with that?" I asked them all.

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