A Streetcar Named Desire.

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The car ride was quiet, Stefan didn't want to say anything out of fear of upsetting Klaus so he was smart and said nothing at all. Looking back at Stefan I closed my eyes as my thoughts begin to overpower my mind. As if he knew Klaus looked over at me and gave me a soft smile. "Thanks Klaus. For all of this." I looked over as he stopped the car.

Klaus shook his head. "Thank me once all of this is over love." Klaus got out of the car.

Getting out of the car I walked into my home. "What is the place?" Stefan asked looking around.

"This is the compound, my home come on." I headed up the stairs. Leading Stefan up stairs I smiled. "Before we even into the hard work brother. Come, See my room." I grabbed his arm pulling him into my room.

"It certainly has character." Stefan looked around my room picking up Dahlias grimoire flipping through it. "Why is this empty?" He asked.

Laughing I held out my hand for the Grimoire. "This book chooses who reads it." I held it close to my chest.

"So you really enjoy it here?" Stefan smiled looking out on the balcony.

I nodded. "I do. New Orleans is my home. I love it here and the people that fill it." Biting my lip I smiled proudly.

"Love, could you two do this after we handle Rayna Cruz?" Klaus Was leaning on my doorway.

I sighed looking over at my sire. "As you wish. Follow me brother." I walked past Klaus leading Stefan to Freya.

Walking Into the the old sitting room Freya was arguing with Elijah about how he hid Rebekah away.

One fallen by family.

"Sorry to make things worse, but Freya meet my brother Stefan Salvatore." I introduced.

Klaus walked over to Freya. "Freya. Stefan is a old friend of mine and he has a favor to ask you." Klaus set him up nicely.

Looking over at Freya she rolled her eyes. "Your a old friend are you?" She smiled eyes red from crying.

"Depends on your definition of the word friend." My brother thought back.

Freya licked her lips laughing. "Come with me." She walked out of the room.

Looking at my brother I nodded to him. "Go brother you can trust her." I reassured My older brother.

As Stefan left Elijah walked over to me. "You alright Annab.." He tried to say when Klaus cut him off.

"Fine. Stefan being here is a good thing, maybe we can finally put everything in our past behind us.." I looked down.

Elijah places his hand on my shoulder. "Annabeth. I'm sorry to be insensitive to your family reunion, however we do not need another chance for someone to fall victim to the prophecy." Elijah tried to say. "He will have to leave-"

"Enough." Klaus stopped his brother from going any further. "Love I would like a word alone with you, then Elijah you and I will talk." Klaus walked out of the room.

Shaking my head I ignored Elijah walking out following Klaus. Entering my bedroom I smiled. "What was that about not relaxing until we Stop Rayna Cruz?" I teased playfully grabbing his arm.

The moment I touched him I went numb, as if I we're being set on fire.
My heart begun to beat faster, and faster the longer the vision lasted.

Elijah and Klaus stood side by side near the railroad tracks. A young witch with her face covered, walks over lifting her hand chanting. Falling suddenly into a dark pool of water Feeling as if Water filled my lungs as I was overwhelmed once again by this dark magic. Forced to watch images of Klaus getting this neck sliced open he bled out into the water. Then suddenly it was as if apart of me was released. My sire link to Klaus.

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