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Slowly I opened my eyes seeing Sophie. "Get the hell away from me." I said jerking up.

"Cleo. Calm down she is helping you." Hayley said standing up.

Rolling my eyes I frowned. "You have two minutes to explain." I said looking at Sophie.

"Your baby. For some reason it seems to be siphoning the magic from your body. Seems it took after you Cleo." Sophie sighed.

I shook my head placing my hands on my stomach. "What am I gonna do?" I asked.

"Well I have no idea! I have never dealt with someone like you before." She groaned.

Rolling my eyes I shook my head. "Get out!" I shouted shaking the house.

Klaus came speeding in. "You heard the woman. Leave." he growled.

Looking over at Klaus he walked over rubbing my hair. Moving his hand away I frowned. "No Niklaus. I forgave you because I thought you were doing everything you could to get Elijah back. You force me to stay here.." I started saying.

Klaus smiled lightly. "Love you must take it easy. Your weak. Tonight Marcel is having a Ball type deal. I have made arrangements Elijah will join us soon." Klaus said.

"A ball?" I asked.

Klaus nodded and Rebekah came busting in. "Cleo! What the bloody hell happened?" she shouted.

"I don't know Bekah." I frowned.

Klaus stood up. "I must go I have a few preparations I need to make before this evening." Klaus smiled standing up.

"Nik. Before you go that ball thing... Can you come back home? For me?" I pouted.

Klaus nodded walking over kissing my forehead. "Of course Love." he mumbled.

"Well do I even want to know what you have planned?" Hayley asked.

I shook my head sitting up. "If I told you most likely you would try to stop me. So that would be a no." I smiled.

Rebekah rolled her eyes laughing walking away. "Good luck then." she giggled.

Hayley walked over to me smirking. "You are not thinking what I think you are." Hayley smirked crossing her arms.

Standing up somehow I felt normal again and I walked over to my closet pulling out dresses.

"Come on Hayley. Live a little." I winked.

Hayley and I spent hours trying on different dresses I had in my closet, after hours Hayley helped me get ready. I really don't like how much my stomach has grown in just a small period of time.

Eventually I was all ready and I walked down the stairs hearing the front door open

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Eventually I was all ready and I walked down the stairs hearing the front door open. "Love." Klaus sighed seeing me all dressed up. "You look stunning, however.. You can't come with me." Klaus said shaking his head.

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