Changes on the horizon

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Marcel sped me to the church where he left Davina's body and I stood over her staring down at her amethyst necklace around her neck. Smiling I touched it closing my eyes when I had a amazing idea.

"Ill be right back." I said walking into the hall calling Diego.

It rang for a while until he picked up the phone. "Cleo? Everything okay?" Diego asked worried.

"Yeah I am fine Diego.. I was hoping you could do me a little favor?" I asked biting my lip leaning on the wall. "I want to do something special for Marcel to thank him for everything he has been helping me with. Can you find a amethyst necklace something he would like?" I asked.

Laughing Diego sighed. "No problem Cleo, I will take care of it." Diego said without hesitation.

"Thanks Diego." I said hanging up the phone walking back into the small attic room seeing Marcel helping Davina sit up.

Smiling I closed the door grabbing a bottle of water helping her drink. "How are you doing?" I asked looking at her.

Davina looked down and shook her head and I nodded knowing it was not well. She was stuck alone shunned by her people.

Handing Marcel the water I hugged Davina tightly while she hid her face in my neck. "I'm so sorry It took us so long. However I have some news that could brighten your mood." I smiled.

"What is it?" Davina asked.

I looked at Marcel. "I left Klaus. I am living with Marcel he is helping me try and figure out what the hell happened to make things the way they are right now. This isn't how things are supposed to be." I said shaking my head.

"What does that mean?" Davina asked confused looking at Marcel.

Marcel shook his head. "I don't Know D. I know Cleo and I are just happy to have you Back." Marcel smiled.

Smiling my phone went off and I pulled it out seeing a text message from Diego.

Got what you asked for. Where do you need me to drop it off at?

Smiling I texted him back telling him to meet me in the church. "I will be right back guys. Sorry." I sighed walking down the stairs seeing Diego holding a black bag.

"It wasn't easy but I managed to find something I thought Marcel would like, but I thought you might like a little something for yourself." Diego said.

Smiling I raised a eyebrow reaching into the bag pulling out a beautiful ring like I have never seen before.

Smiling I raised a eyebrow reaching into the bag pulling out a beautiful ring like I have never seen before

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"You can thank me later." Diego smirked kissing my cheek speeding away.

Walking up stairs I placed the ring back into the black bag when Marcel opened the door smiling. "Hey. Where did you go?" Marcel asked.

"Oh nothing just had something that I almost forgot about. Where are you going?" I asked looking at him.

Marcel smiled. "Just going to grab some food and get some clothes for her. You hungry?" Marcel asked.

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