A Reason

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I felt someone tapping my face and I opened my eyes trying to see. I felt a serious urge to feed, I saw Diego unlocking the handcuffs.

I fell into his arms trying to stand up "Cleo wait you need to feed..." Diego said sitting me back down handing me a blood bag.

I drank it within about 5 seconds, "How long have I been out?" I asked confused.

"It has been a few days Marcel thinks it best for you to sit here until you flip your Switch back on, but I know you. Besides Marcel needs your help, and so do I." Diego said tilting his neck allowing me to see his neck.

I stood up. "I cant help Marcel, but I will help you Diego." I said placing my hand on his bite absorbing the magic slowly from his neck.

After a few minutes Diego was all healed up. "Now Diego please tell me what the hell happened!" I declared looking around.

Diego sighed. "Francesca and her family fooled us they are werewolf's. They stole the moonlight rings and attacked us all. The witches took Hayley.." Diego quickly let out.

I looked at him with wide eyes "I have to go Diego.." I said speeding away listening for any sign of Hayley.

Thankfully I heard two familiar screams coming the church. I used my magic to throw the doors open and saw Monique sliding a knife across Hailey's neck killing her.

I sped in and snapped my fingers throwing Monique into a wall while Abigail grabbed the baby and tried to run off. "How dare you!" I yelled rushing to Genevieve who was backed against a wall. Klaus fell from the wall as the spell lifted and snapped Monique's neck.

I stuck my hand inside Genevieve's chest and pulled out her heart, I looked to Klaus who stood still watching as Abigail held the knife over the baby. "Stay back! I will kill her." Abigail yelled.

I stepped closer "You would kill a innocent baby?" I asked.

Abigail nodded and I held my hand out as I used my magic to bring the knife into my hands. I looked at Klaus and nodded and together we sped towards Abigail.

Klaus quickly grabbed his beautiful baby while I ripped out Abigail's heart. "Cleo You saved her.. Thank you." Klaus said sitting on the floor holding his daughter.

I nodded and looked to the ground "Always and Forever right?" I said looking up at Hayley on the altar. "I have to go." I said speeding away not wanting to care about Hayley being dead, or that I just saved a dear friends baby from death.

All I felt was emptiness, a whole that could never be filled. I ran back to the compound speeding to my room.

Once inside I locked slammed the door and changed into some different clothes. I mean I have been in the same clothes for days. I screamed at the top of my lungs, and It felt like I was like that forever until I heard a knock on the door.

I opened the door to reveal a smirking Niklaus. "Seems I have you to thank for saving my daughter.." He said walking into my room.

"Thanks for what not being able to save Hayley. I'm just one big disappointment Nik." I said rolling my eyes.

Klaus shook his head and stepped closer "You have no idea how wrong you are Love." Klaus said looking into my eyes.

I turned around trying not to feel anything. "Just go away.." I begged.

Klaus placed a hand on my shoulder turning me around. "Love I know I have not been there for you like I should have, but I think I have something that can change your mood." Klaus said pulling out a small box and handing it to me.

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