Adventure to the unknown.

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Marcel took me back to his loft and he gave me anything I could ask for from Ice cream to cheeseburgers. It was early the next morning when Rebekah arrived early in the morning. I was sitting on the sofa with Theirry on my left and Marcel on my right. We were watching a movie on the roof with some projector.

"Marcel! Come with me Klaus knows about us summoning Mikael. He will kills us both if you do not come along." Rebekah said rushing over to Marcel.

Marcel moved his arm from around my neck and stood up. "Bekah, I am not going anywhere." Marcel said shaking his head.

Rebekah shook her head looking at me. "What are you doing here? Klaus-" Rebekah tried to say when I stood up cutting her off.

"Listen to me Bex. I don't take orders from anyone. Especially not Klaus, not anymore. Marcel you can run if that is what you want.'' I shrugged. "Or you can stay with me, we can get Davina back. Hell take back what is rightfully ours." I smirked.

Marcel looked at me and bit his lip. "Your serious?" Marcel asked.

I nodded. "I told you I wanted my memories back, I want it all back Marcel. I am the true queen of New Orleans you and I both know it. I want Davina back, I know that bond we all share is not ordinary. We were a family Marcel." I sighed.

"What the bloody hell are you two talking about? You two hardly even know each other!" Rebekah shouted.

Theirry stood up pausing the movie grabbing the bowl of popcorn going to grab more. "They know each other better than anyone around here thinks." Theirry mumbled.

Marcel nodded smiling standing beside me. "I'm not leaving Rebekah." Marcel said looking at her.

Rebekah took a look at me then to Marcel. "ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO CHOOSE HER OVER ME? IF I LEAVE HERE WITHOUT YOU MARCEL WE--" Rebekah tried to say when Marcel cut her off.

"Fine by me." Marcel shrugged.

I gasped and looked at Marcel. "Bekah wait I didn't mean to-" I tried to say when she sped away

Marcel turned around and looked at me and he grabbed my hand. "Dont worry about her. You hungry?" Marcel asked smiling.

Rolling my eyes I nodded. "Would love some pizza." I pouted when Diego walked in.

"Cleo! Klaus has sent me to bring you back to the compound. Says your playtime is over." Diego said crossing his arms looking at me and Marcel.

Smiling I shrugged. "Yeah no. Listen Diego. You don't work for Klaus anymore. Unless you want too? You belong at my side. So instead of taking me to the compound you get some pizza instead?" I smiled biting my lip.

Diego chuckled. "Come on don't worry about Klaus. I told you Diego. I got you." I winked.

Marcel looked at me and at Diego in awe. As Diego sped away Marcel turned towards me and I sat back down. "T where is that popcorn!" I shouted.

"Coming right up your highness." Theirry said playfully.

Laughing Marcel sat down beside me. "You know this whole looking out for us thing. You think you can stand up against Klaus?" Marcel asked.

I smiled. "I wouldn't have too, but if I had too. I don't know." I sighed.

Marcel nodded. "Well I just want to make sure you know who you are fighting for." Marcel said standing up.

Grabbing his arm I pulled him back down. "You don't have to worry Marcel. I have faith in you. I wouldn't let Klaus even attempt to harm you!" I smiled shaking my head.

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