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Luke leant over their secretary's desk, signing in with a smile on his face.

"I hate when you're happy," Michael said, leaning back in the spare chair in reception and taking another spoonful of his strawberry yogurt. "It pisses me off."

"I had a really good late date last night," he told the small office.

Michael watched the older man take off his trench coat, revealing a sweater that Mike knew Luke's mother picked out last Christmas. "Yeah? What does he do?"

"He's an artist." Luke took the list of patients from their main secretary, a smile still stuck on his face.

"No one is really an artist," Michael responded.

"He is!"

Mike snorted out a laughter, "Sounds fake, but okay." He tossed the empty breakfast container into a nearby garbage can, standing up to fix his scrubs. "I've got a 9 AM c-section, so if you don't mind, I've gotta get going."

"Is it the Taylor's?" Luke asked, following Michael to his office.

"No, it's the Henderson's," the twenty-eight year old answered. He opened up the glass door to his office, letting Luke walk in first.

The blonde plopped into the cushioned chair across from Michael's desk. "Are you gonna get rid of that color?" He asked, pointing to Mike's hair.

He furrowed his eyebrows, pulling at a strand of black hair. "So, first, you refuse to hire me unless I get rid of the red, and now you want me to get rid of the black? Should I just shave my head?"

Luke rolled his eyes, "Does your mother miss your natural hair? Isn't it a nice shade of—."

Michael paused from taking a file from the filing cabinet. His fingers slipped past the Henderson file as he licked over his chapped lips.

"What? Are you having a teenage rebellion against them over something?" Luke was thirty-five years old, but he was at least fifty at heart, sixty in spirit.

Since Luke hired Michael five years ago, he has constantly teased the younger boy about anything and everything. It was there kind of friendship, they never took offense.

Michael shook his head and unfroze his mind and body. He placed the file in his bag, tossing it over his shoulder. "Nope," he responded, "It's nothing." He gave Luke a smile as he took his leather jacket from his coat hanger. "Anyways, congrats on the fake-career boy, hope this one treats you well. I've gotta go get some babies into this world, have fun looking at vaginas."

"Thanks, Mike." Luke got up as Michael began walking out. He gave his employee a pat on the back before watching him leave. Turning left and heading to his own office, he closed the door tight behind him. Luke often liked being alone.

Working as an OB/GYN in New York City was pretty cool, at least Luke thought so. He's been with the same firm since he was twenty-five years old. He was fresh from med school at the time, ready to accept any offer that'd pay the bills. He was lucky with this offer.

That's where Luke met Ashton—an older man ready to accept any risk that came with young, new doctors. Ashton didn't take much of a risk on too-serious Luke with a stick up his ass.

Years later, they started a partnership, making both of them in charge of the firm. Next came Michael, a boy with big dreams yet forced straight into medical school.

Mike became the third in the partnership. He did something with his charm to persuade Ashton to do anything Michael wanted.

Sure, Luke has resentment towards the younger boy. But, he's managed to make it work out fine. Just fine.

There are so many things Michael still wants to do that aren't happening. He has so many dreams that aren't working out yet.

More than anything though, he just wants someone to love him. 


This was a pretty quick introduction of Michael and Luke, along with their relationship with each other. I can't really ask many questions because there's not much you know yet. 

This is going to be a cliche romance kind of shit. Usually I have some really deep plot line that ends with a character dying, but I don't see this one going too deep. 

I hope you enjoy!! Always feel free to ask questions!!

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