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Luke walked out from his office, heading to the secretary desk to grab his mail. "What did you do to your hair?" He asked the secretary, squinting his eyes and looking at her intently.

"What?" She asked, pulling at the rose-y strands, "It's always been pink."

"Really?" He asked as he ripped open an envelope.

"Yeah, ask anyone." She stood up, taking a step back until she could see Michael's office. "Mike!" She called, "What color was my hair when you hired me?"

He looked up from his computer screen, "Hasn't it always been pink?" Mike stood up from his chair, figuring it was time for a break—even though his last break was ten minutes ago. Michael liked taking breaks.

"No, no, you don't need to come over here," Luke said, rolling his eyes.

"Come on, Husband, you love having me around." Michael made his way to the desk, wrapping an arm around the tall, lean man. "Did you not realize Emmi's hair was pink?" He turned.

Luke could feel Michael's minty breath on his neck, causing goosebumps to rise upon his skin. "No, sorry I don't just stare at people all day. I have a real job."

"I see you on Buzzfeed, Luke. I see you watching videos of cats." Michael got the three secretaries to laugh, something he took pride upon.

"I'm so sick of you." Luke threw away an envelope, going to the next one. "How was your weekend, though? I haven't seen you since I'm now kicked off the subway."

Michael smiled to himself, "I love myself. I can't believe they seriously banned you."

"I can't believe you're not doing anything about it!" Luke responded. "You're not even trying."

"Whatever, I'll talk to them later." Michael reached over Emmi's desk, grabbing his own mail. "What about you, Hem? How was your weekend."

"I spilled so much red wine on me that I woke up thinking I've been shot."

Michael snorted out a laughter. "Aren't you, like, thirteen? That's pathetic."

"I'm older than you."

Michael shrugged his shoulders, "You're missing the point." He read over an agreement he had to sign before grabbing a pen and signing the bottom. "Was it good red wine or like the cheap shit from the corner street?"

"You think I'm gonna buy an $8 bottle of wine? I'm an adult, Michael." Luke finished going through his mail but didn't want to go back to his office yet. He liked chatting with his coworkers (mostly Michael) and he liked being out in the open.

"You'd be surprised at the quality of that cheap shit, though."

Luke made a disgusted face. "Sorry I was never a frat boy, I had medical school to get through."

Michael rolled his eyes. "You don't have to be a frat boy to go to frat parties. Live a little."

Luke tried not to laugh at the thought of Michael in brightly-colored flat shorts, polos, and Sperrys. "Okay, Michael," he sighed, "okay."

Mike turned back to the secretaries. "Do you see what I have to deal with? I'm glad he's not on the subway anymore, I won't share the cookies that the nice ladies made for me. They love me now."

"I can't believe you right now." Sure, Luke couldn't believe how childish Michael was, but he also couldn't believe how beautiful he looked under ugly fluorescent lights.

His hair must be freshly washed as it was the right volume and wave around his forehead. His eyelashes were long, his lips were dry. Mike leant his head back as he laughed at something a secretary said and Luke couldn't help but smile, too. He liked seeing Michael laugh.

He wasn't in love with him or anything, though. 


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