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"I gave you guys one job," Ashton says, holding up his index finger to show one, "and you two couldn't even do that." He slams the files down on his desk, putting his hands in his grey-ing hair. "I've worked at this practice for fifteen years and I have never seen any bigger morons than you two."

Luke leant in his chair further as if he were hoping to just sink into the floor at one point. "I'm sorry, Ashton, we tried to find a nurse, we just couldn't find one we liked."

Michael nodded, too afraid to speak up but not wanting to stay quiet.

"What about this one?" He asked, opening up the manilla folder, "He went to Dartmouth."

"That's not even impressive," Luke said with an eye roll. His Stanford pride was far too high.

"I've gotta agree with Loser on that one," Michael said, "Like, just because your parents can spit out 60k a year doesn't mean he's suddenly an amazing nurse, you know?"

Ash shook his head, angered with his two practice partners. "I can't stand you: Both of you. All you two do is argue and bother me."

"That's not true," Luke said, looking over at Michael.

The younger man laughed, "Don't lie to boss-man."

"See?! That's what I'm talking about!" Ashton's golden eyes looked between the blonde and the black-haired man, shaking his head in disappointment.

Luke hated disappointing others, he always has. He wanted to be the best at everything and everything to every single degree. He had to be the best son to his mother, the greatest in every lecture class, he had to be the best and he had to have constant praise.

Michael was a bit different. He believed that pride is internal, he didn't need anyone else telling him how good he was at what he did. He knew he was a great OB/Gyn to the practice, he knew he was a great friend, he knew he was a great person. Mike didn't need anyone telling him that.

"I don't understand why you two can't get along," Ashton said, shaking his head, "You two are coworkers, act like it!"

Luke bit the tip of his tongue and sputtered out a lie, "We're actually really good friends."

"We are?" Michael asked, turning towards the doctor.

"Yeah!" Luke said, giving Michael a look that the younger man couldn't figure out. "We just hide it at work so the others aren't jealous or anything, you know?"

"Oh," Mike responded, "Yeah."


"We're the bestest friends," the green-eyes man said, a smile on his face, "One time, I saved him from a mugger, you know? That's how our friendship started. I was punching this mugger who tried to steal Luke's purse, there was so much blood and Luke was crying so much. I saved him, though, it's fine."

"That didn't happen." Luke's tone was unimpressed as he gave Michael an infamous look.

"Yeah! And then this other time, there was a mugger on the subway, right? So I had to save Luke again since everyone wants his purse," Michael continued. He turned to look at Ashton whom was well-entertained.

"It's a satchel," Luke corrected.

Mike looked at Luke before back at Ashton. "It's a purse," he mouthed.

Ash ran his hands through his hair, letting a quick laugh leave his throat, "I want you two out of my office before I fire you both."

Michael got up first, standing up and watching Luke brush past him. Mike said his last farewell to their boss before following Luke. He turned the corner, walking straight into Luke's identical office and plopping down on another soft seat.

"I want to be alone," Luke said, obviously bothered by getting in trouble.

"Come on, he's not gonna actually fire us. I don't think he can legally do that since we're partners in the practice and—."

Luke sat up straight, looking up at the younger man. "Are you not upset at all?!"

"I mean, yeah. Ash gave me one job and I didn't do it. I'm bummed out and we're still short-staffed."

The blonde relaxed back in his chair, content with the slight sadness Michael felt. "It was somewhat my fault."

Mike laughed, "It was entirely your fault. You're such an asshole."

"You're so mean to me, I regret hiring you." Luke watched him stand up, looking around his room at pictures of Luke's family and feeling over the potted plants.

"That's not true," the black-haired man said, "You love me, you know it." Michael took a deep breath, gaining his smile back on his face. "I'm gonna go to lunch, bye."

Luke watched him leave, he always watches him leave. 

I am grumpy Ashton in every social situation. 

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