twenty two

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twenty two

Michael usually liked his job. Nothing was ever too hard, nothing ever stressed him out. He has friends from college who went into much harder careers where they want to pull their hair out from their scalp half the time.

The only hard times are when he's on call overnight. It was a little better when Luke was also walking around the ER trying not to fall asleep on call. They were allowed to fall asleep, but they didn't see a reason to (besides the fact that it's nearing 5 in the morning).

Luke laid down in the lounge, resting the crook of his elbow of his eyes. "What're you up to?" He asked the black-haired boy.

Mike shrugged as he finished off his bag of Cheetos, "Trying to not drink my fifth cup of caffeine. I don't even like coffee."

Luke chuckled, "I feel that."

Michael got up, wiping off the orange crumbs from his fingers. He rounded the light blue couch and grabbed a blanket from the closed cabinets. He unfolded the blanket as he got closer to Luke.

He leant down, tucking Luke in.

"What're you doing?" The blonde asked.

"Being nice," he responded. Michael folded over the edges so that it didn't suffocate him. He made sure he was comfortable in the sheets before sitting down on the opposite chair. He turned up the television a little bit, CNN blaring some bullshit he didn't care about.

Luke opened his eyes a few times, glancing up at Michael. He was beautiful in the dark lights of the lounge, the TV screen lighting up his tired face every few flashes.

He closed his eyes, slowly falling into a deep sleep.

Michael looked at Luke as the older man took a nap that'd last all night. Michael felt something for him, it took him long enough to realize that his little five year crush wasn't gone.

Mike had Luke wrapped around his fingers this time around. Michael wanted to be committed, he was sure of it.

He wanted to call Luke over at 9am on a Sunday morning when he didn't want to make breakfast. He wanted to stay in his sweats and know that Luke still thought he was beautiful. He wanted to go out to dinner and hold Luke's hand across the table. He wanted to admit that Taco Bell takeout was the best kind of date he could imagine.

He wanted to imagine a future with Luke, with the few kids that Luke wants and a cat and a dog and maybe a bunny, too. Michael wants to fall in love knowing that he'd be caught. He wanted to know that he'll never die alone.

Mike curls his body up within the chair, trying to fall into his own slumber.

He feels something so strong for Luke. 

Do you think Michael is going to do something about his newly found feelings for Luke or ignore it all?

What do you think is coming up? Y'all don't even know

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