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February came around and Lou and Lucille were plastered on Luke's couch once more.

"This is boring," Lou said, star-fishing on the couch and almost kicking her sister in the face.

"This is a great documentary, guys," Luke responded, taking another handful of popcorn and shoving it into his mouth.

She sighed. "I want Michael."

"Why do you always want Michael? I'm way more fun." Luke put his arm around Lucille, pulling her closer to him as Lou almost kicked her again.

"Michael does more than just sit on the couch," Lou whined, "and he's funny."

"I'm a funny guy, too."

Lou and Lucille giggled, before the eldest spoke up once more, "You're not, Lukey. At all."

"I'm really offended."

"Daddy says you have a crush on Michael." Lou couldn't stop giggling at the word crush, like the thought of Luke having any type of attraction to anyone was the funniest thing to ever happen.

"I do not, he's just good company."

Lou stood up on her knees, looking around the room and trying to find something to do. "I think Michael should come over."

"I'm sure he's busy."

She shook her head as she hopped off the couch. "I don't think he is."

Luke turned his head, watching the independent blonde walk around his kitchen and grab his charging phone. "Lou, what're you doing?"

"I want Michael to come over." He small fingers began pressing on Luke's screen, trying to find Michael.

"Lou, give me my phone." Luke began to get up, not wanting Lou to text a different Michael. Or see earlier messages with Michael that her young brain didn't need to see.

"Will you invite him over?"

"I'll ask, you've gotta give me my phone, though." Luke leant down, trying to grab the device from her hands.

Luke was always surprised at how small children truly were. He can't remember ever being that small, so delicate. He was constantly afraid of dropping them or breaking them. Children were so scary.

Michael, on the other hand, didn't mind being rough with them. He'd chase them around and tire them out, getting them to collapse in giggles instead of collapse in boredom.

To / Michael

Can you come over? The girls don't care about me

Lou nodded her head once Luke showed her the text. "I approve," she announced.

Luke shook his head and laughed as he sat back on the couch, cuddling with Lucille. He let the Kindergartener sit on his lap, resting her head on his chest.

"Are you going to marry Michael?" Lou asked as she sat back down on the couch.

"He and I are just friends, Lou."

She shrugged, "Daddy says different." Lou was holding Luke's phone, anxiously waiting for a text back from Michael. Luke wasn't sure if he had a crush on Michael or if she had a crush on Michael.

From / Michael

Sure, I'll save them from your documentaries

Lou was very excited when Michael arrived at the front door a half hour later. Mike played extreme hide-and-go-seek with the girls while Luke made them all dinner. Everything felt so normal, everything felt so routine.

Usually, Michael is the first to hate routine. He likes adventures, he likes something new. This, though, was a good kind of routine.

He remembers doing the same thing with his brother while they waited for their leftover takeouts to heat up. Mike misses having a little kid around the house.

The girls decided to fall asleep in Luke's bed, knowing that Luke wouldn't dare wake them up to move them.

Luke left the bedroom, closing the doors behind him and looking up at Michael. "We're stuck on the couch."

Michael was already on the couch, getting comfortable. Another Netflix series was flashing from the television, lighting up the dark living room. "That's fine," he said, his voice quiet.

He had an arm under his head, keeping his propped up. He looked up at Luke, his eyes shining.

Luke slithered into the blanket keeping Mike warm, he laid on top of him. Luke closed his eyes, trying to take in the moment. If he were to die right now, he would be okay. He felt something stronger than just happiness when he was in Michael's arms.

Mike rested a hand on the curve of Luke's back, his fingers rubbing circles underneath his shirt. "Goodnight, Luke."

Luke wanted to confess his love for Michael right there, right then.

He just fell asleep instead.

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