twenty eight +

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twenty eight +

Michael had his lips on Luke's neck, his elbows locked as he held himself above Luke. Mike's eyes were closed, his mind caught on Luke's body. He left the slightest of a love bite where the older man's jaw met his ear.

Luke's hands went down Michael's sides, his fingers exploring the body he knew too well. He stared up at the ceiling, breathing slowly.

He bent his knees, letting Mike fall closer to his crotch.

Michael lowered himself in a slow thrust, his body fitting into the curve of Luke's body so well. Mike was getting into it and Luke wasn't.

"Hey, hey, stop for a second," Luke said, moving his hands up to Michael's chest to stop him.

Mike perked his head away from Luke's neck but stayed in between his legs.

"I don't wanna just fuck, I'm not in the mood." Luke didn't want to just bang and he didn't want to make supposed love. He wants Michael's mind more than his dick.

Michael rolled to the side, staying close to Luke's body. He wraps his arm around Luke's bare chest, resting his head at the crook of Luke's arm. "Okay, baby boy."

Luke smiled and let out a small chuckle. He reached out his arm, letting Michael cuddle into him easier. "Why haven't I met your family?" He asks.

"My parents are dead," he bluntly responds.

"Oh, shit."

Mike sighs within a laugh, "I've got a younger brother but he's in boarding school."

"What happened?"

Michael's eyes were painfully dry as his throat choked up the slightest. "They were driving home one night from a work party and a drunk driver hit them. That driver passed a few days later, my parents were both pronounced dead on scene."

Luke looked down at the boy in his arms. Luke's heart strings were pulling and he couldn't imagine what Michael felt like. "Mike, I didn't know—."

"It happens, it's over. The worst of it is over now, it's been an entire decade."

"You were 18?"

Michael nodded, "My brother, Jack, was 4. I was barely an adult and I was left to take care of this toddler. What else was I supposed to do, you know? Send him to foster care? My parents up there would never forgive me."

"That's amazing, Mike. Why didn't I know this? I've known you for 5 years now."

Michael curled his legs over Luke's and pressed his face deeper into Luke's chest. "I don't think a story about my dead parents is really much of a party-story, Luke."

Luke knew he shouldn't laugh but he had to let out a small chuckle. Michael was the type of guy to never let anything get to him. He brushed everything off so lightly. "Tell me more, if you don't mind."

"Well, like I said, I was 18 and about to go to college. I was a mess of anxiety, I was beyond lost with no guidance at all. I didn't mind taking care of Jack, it was all just weird. I was in college! I had a life I needed to form! I couldn't mope around forever."

"I would have."

Mike shakes his head, "You say that but I know you wouldn't." He doesn't think too deep, he doesn't want those emotions he felt all those years ago to come back up. He loves his parents and he always will. They fought, they disagreed, they argued, but he loved them too much. "I was a struggling waiter taking care of my baby brother."

Luke pulls a hand through Michael's hair, brushing through the strands.

"This is sleazy—I had a sugar daddy. I actually had a few. I had bills to pay and my 10% tips weren't doing shit."

Luke chuckles again, not sure how else to react.

Michael likes hearing Luke laugh. "I'm still in debt from my college loans, it sucks but it's whatever. Jack got a great scholarship to his current school after submitting our sob story."

"This isn't some 'oh, I had to live with diabetes' sob story, this is some real shit, Michael."

"I don't like pity, don't pity me. It's life, this is mine."

Luke shrugs as he continues to brush his fingers through Michael's hair, there was something comforting he loved about this moment. "Why haven't I met Jack?"

"Remember when I was 'sick' for three weeks last May?"

The blonde nods, knowing what's going to be next from Michael's lips.

"Jack had a nervous breakdown and I had to go down there and stay for a bit until everything got back to normal." Michael cared about his brother like he was his son. Mike was rough on Jack, but they both knew it was out of pure love and care.

"That's awful, does that happen a lot?"

Michael was getting uncomfortable. He didn't understand why Luke wanted to know. Was he going to use it against him? Was he going to pity him? "Sometimes. He's got a bit of post traumatic stress even though he doesn't remember much of our parents."

"Maybe that's what triggers it—not being able to remember."

"No offense, but you're not a therapist."

Luke shrugs once more, "I guess you're right."

Michael sighs and begins to get up. He fixes his hair and slides from bed. "I think I'm gonna head home."

"Babe, no. Why?"

Michael slides on his jeans once more and grabs his coat. "I want to be alone."

"Mikey, please come back to bed. I don't want you to be alone."

Michael is taking deep breaths, "I don't like you pitying me, Luke. I don't like talking about my family and I don't want you to know about my family."


"We are not dating. Even if we were, my nonexistent family life would not involve you. Alright?"

Luke looked at his friend with sad, haunting eyes. "Okay."

Michael left. 

This is a space for u to scream, here u go, give me ur thoughts

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