twenty seven

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twenty seven

As a kid in New York City, Luke spent most of his Saturday mornings at the art museum. He'd walk around the exhibits by himself before placing himself in the main foyer and doodling in his journal.

He liked doing that, it was peaceful.

Luke liked being alone, he was never lonely.

This Saturday morning, Luke took Michael.

When Luke took his ex-wife, they loved it. They'd walk silently around, looking at each painting and sculpture. They would go outside and look at the constant chalk-fests going on.

Michael was a little different—about art, about life.

"Is that a goat or a women?" He whispered as they stared at a canvas.

Their arms were linked, Luke slowly dragging Michael around the few stories.

"Whatever you want it to be," Luke responded for the tenth time in the last hour.

"That's so punk rock."

Luke rolled his eyes and continued to walk them through the second floor. His hand moved from Michael's bicep down to his fingers. He swung their hands back and forth as they walked through a black-and-white exhibit.

"This kinda matches my heart," Michael says as he points to an all black canvas.

"It matches your personality."

Mike looked down at the blonde, a hand to his heart. "Wow, I'm being roasted by a man who's asleep by 8pm every night."

Luke let out a soft, quick giggle as they continued their walk around. The blonde made sure not to be in anyone's way, but it felt like Michael wanted to be in everyone's way.

Michael liked his attention.

"Can we go to Taco Bell?" He asked after silence.

"Gross, no." Luke walked them out to the main foyer, getting on the escalator and heading down to the open front. He feels a tug of nostalgia as he looks at the metal tables practically calling his name.

"How dare you offend my religion like that?"


"I can't believe you right now."

Luke looked up at Michael again, making sure he wasn't actually offended. Michael looked down at him, a smile on his lips.

"I'm not taking you to Taco Bell."

"Please? Do it because you love me."


"Luke, please."

They stepped to the main tile, heading outside into the cool breeze.

"Michael, I can take you anywhere in this city. Why do you want some fast food place?"

Mike subconsciously rubbed his thumb over Luke's knuckles, it meant nothing to Mike but made a vermillion blush rise to Luke's cheeks. "Because it's my favorite place in the world. You showed me yours, let me show you mine."

Luke unlocked his car as they got closer, opening the passenger side for his friend. "Fine, you baby." Luke got into the front seat, setting his phone to the nearest Taco Bell.

"This is all I ate in college, I gained 30 pounds because of living across the street from fast food." Michael looked at Luke while Luke looked at the road.

Luke had began to get wrinkles around his eyes and smile line, but Michael thought he was beautiful. His stubble was a little overgrown and his skin was a little blotchy. Luke wasn't really fit, he wasn't really skinny, but Michael thought he was beautiful.

"My mom put me on a gluten free diet from age, like, 3."

Michael laughed, "Really? That's hilarious." Mike was still looking at Luke when the blonde stopped at a red light, the older man turned to the side and looked back at Mike.

Luke felt something strong for Michael, he has for so long now. He can feel himself smiling, he can feel his heart beating faster. "What? Why're you looking at me?" He asked with a laugh.

"You're pretty," Michael says quietly. Mike doesn't know why his breathing stops when Luke looks at him, or why he can't help but smile with his eyes crinkling at the corners. He doesn't know why his mind is filled with thoughts about Luke even when he's not around.

The car behind Luke honks as he doesn't go immediately as the light turns green.

They spend their dinner eating Taco Bell. Luke wouldn't mind spending his life with Michael. 

Did any of you read Breathing way back when? Do you remember the art museum scene

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