thirty three

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thirty three

Michael took Jack on as many tours of their local charter schools that he could possibly fit in his busy schedule. Jack would have to attend public school at the time due to truancy laws and all that good stuff.

He and Jack took small steps around their second charter school of the day. "This is the one Luke went to," Michael informs him. They both look at the tall, red brick walls.

"It's okay."

"What're you looking for?"

"Not school," he bitterly responds. The teenager looks up at his older brother, Michael looking back at him.

Michael shrugs as his hands stay in the pockets of his slacks. "I'm trying everything, you've gotta help me out a bit."

Jack sighs. They both stop at the end of a hallway, turning to face each other. The half-red-half-black haired boy leans back on a locker, he reaches up and rubs at his tired eyes. "This is all lame."

"Public isn't too bad yet, right?"

"Yet," Jack responds. He stands up to his full height, beginning the walk back to the main office. "This sucks."

"I know, but you've got three more years."

"That's a wasted three years."

Michael rolls his eyes but Jack couldn't see. "I'm not making you go to college, you should feel lucky. Mom and Dad would have killed me if I didn't go to college."

"Yeah? Well, I wouldn't know."

Michael puts his arm around his brother's shoulder, pulling him to his side. "Get your panties out of their twist. Suck it up. Stop being a brat."

"Your advice sucks."

Michael removes his hand as he opens up the office doors for he and his brother. He checks them out before headed back into the city.

Jack stares out the window as the suburban town flash before their eyes. He looks at the grey skies, the condensation of the previous rain storm fogging up their glass. He listens to the soothing hums of some Alt-J song playing through the speakers.

Michael doesn't talk and neither does Jack.

They get back to the practice, both of them heading straight to Michael's office. Mike takes off his jacket, placing it on the back of his chair before sitting down and logging onto his computer.

Jack sits across from him, crossing his legs and scrolling through his phone.

"In about 30 minutes," Michael pauses as he tries to remember his email password, "I, uh, need you to go somewhere. I've got an appointment with a patient and I legally can't let you sit in."

Jack shrugs but doesn't look up, "That's fine. Nothing fun to do here anyways."

"There's nothing fun to do out there either."

He turns his head, looking through the glass and into the office. "Luke looks do-able."


"Just saying."


He looks and his brother and winks. "Just saying," he repeats.

"Then I'm just saying I'll send you to military school." Michael raises the pen in his hand to point to Jack's hair, "They'll buzz that off, you fucker."

Jack rolls his eyes and gets up. "I'm gonna find a sugar daddy."


He zips up his hoodie and sticks his hands in his pockets. "Sorry, your monthly allowance doesn't cut it." He opens up Michael's office door, rounding the front desk and leaning in front of the head secretary. Jack rests his elbows on the front desk, his head in his hands.

Michael watches him talk, and smile, and laugh. God, he loves his brother. He loves his annoying, stupid, bothersome brother. He's glad his parents gave him his little brother, he wouldn't be half the man he was if Jack wasn't around.

The day moves on and Michael gets busy with work. Jack is wondering around the office, trying to flirt with nurses and cause havoc around the halls.

Luke stood at the fax machine, trying to send files over to another firm. He leans on the closed machine as he waits for its processing. He turns to watch Jack trying to hit up a very pregnant lady.

She laughs, she smiles. He laughs, he smiles.

She leaves to her appointment with Ashton, Jack looks around for his next mission.

"I assure you that if they're already knocked up, they don't want you."

He looks up, raising his eyebrow. "You never know," he shrugs."

Luke crosses his arms over his chests and lets out the slightest of a laugh. "You're a special one, yeah?"

Jack takes a few steps forward, eyeing Luke form head-to-toe then back up. "Yeah, I am. Will I see you tonight?"


"I'm currently sleeping in the living room," Jack leans on the other side of the fax machine, "don't pretend I don't see you sneaking into Michael's room every night."

"It's complicated."

Jack looks down at the machine, "Maybe. Maybe not."

"Do you need a coloring book or something?" Luke asked, patronizing the teenager.

Jack laughed, but never responded. He stood up to his full height, heading back to Michael's office and squeezing through the open door and sitting at his open desk. He turned back around, looking at a confused Luke through the open slit of the door.

Luke didn't know what Michael told Jack. Or what Jack was trying to get into Luke's head. 

ur gonna meet calum soon

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