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Sure, Michael was pretty much in love with his rude, blonde coworker. He was one to wait, but he had to have something to do while he waited for the older man to come around.

So he did Nurse Matty. Matt was a good friend, a better bang.

Luke knew this about his coworker and nurse and he hated it. He truly hated knowing that the two messed around behind everyones back. He told himself he wasn't jealous, he just thought it was unprofessional.

Luke knew that Ashton would never care. In one million and so years, Ashton would never care if improper behavior was happening under his nose as long as it didn't bother any patients.

Luke would do anything to get Matty out of the practice. He liked having Michael around, he didn't want Michael gone. Matty was just a nurse, he was easy to replace.

He watched Michael and Matty leave towards the back porch a quarter before noon, both of them chattering away as Mike rested a hand on the small of the other man's back.

Were they a couple? Luke questioned. He didn't care, he was sure that he didn't care. He just didn't like it. Luke liked things going his way and he didn't like the thought of Michael being with someone.

Was that selfish? Maybe Matty makes Michael happy, maybe they're dating and have a ferret or something together. Maybe they were already married and have a house together, a real house with a mortgage and neighbors and lawn to mow and a newspaper in their mailbox every morning.

Luke was being ridiculous, he knew neither of them read the newspaper.

"Hey, Chelsea, can you put these numbers into our system for me?" Luke asked the secretary, handing it over a manilla folder.

"That's not really my job," she said, taking the folder anyways.

Luke didn't hear her as he started to walk towards the lounge overlooking the back porch, "I've gotta do something, I'll be back in ten." Luke was in full-stalker mode, he was ready to find out what the two were really up to.

The blonde wandered through their office, hoping no one was going to follow him to the lounge. No one was supposed to be on break yet, which meant he had a solid fifteen minutes until the lounge began filling up.

He closed the door behind him, flashing on the lights and headed to the window. He leant against the violet couches, his knees on the fabric as he looked out the New York window.

Years ago, the office built a back porch for the employees to go out and eat or just feel the outside air. It turned more into a place for them to ruin their teeth and lungs with cigarettes.

That's exactly what Matty and Mike were doing. Luke's blue eyes watched their every move as they shared a lighter, lighting up their cigarettes before inhaling it. He could see them let out a laugh over something one of them said.

Michael looked up at Matty, exhaling with a stream of smoke straight into the older man's face. He let out a chuckle, liking the way Matt squished up. "Do I smell that bad, too?"

"I smell fuckin' great," Mike responded. He took a step closer to the dark-haired man, placing his feet in between Matty's. He wrapped his free hand around Matt's shoulder, keeping his cigarette-holding-hand away from him.

Matty smiled, taking another inhale from his cigarette. He tilted his head up, closing his eyes and exhaling another breath of smoke. "Are there any more cool concerts coming up? We should do that more." Matt rested his own hand on the crook of Michael's neck, moving his fingers up to brush Michael's hair from his ear.

"Yeah, I'm sure we could find something." After Luke rejected Michael to his tickets to Modern Baseball, Michael took Matty and had the times of their lives. He had Matty wrapped around his finger in the best way possible.

Luke watched from the second story window as Matty inhaled his cigarette before leaning in, kissing Michael square on the lips and blowing the smoke between the two. How was that attractive? How was that appealing? Luke scrunched up his face in disgust as he watched the two make out the story below him.

This was creepy, he knew it was creepy, he couldn't stop, though. Luke could feel his heart dropping slowly as he sat down properly on the lounge couch. He wasn't sure why he was a little bit hurt, but he pretended it was nothing.

Luke was just a little lonely.

Matty's hand traveled down Michael's chest and to the waistband of his slacks, "Why don't you come over after work today? We could find something to do."

Michael nodded as he leant in again, blowing the last smoke of his cigarette past Matty's face before attaching his lips to the older man. "I'll see you there."

Do you think Luke is jealous?  He's just one of those people who don't realize what they want until it's gone. 

Do you think Luke will fess up and Hop On That?

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