thirty one

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thirty one

Michael's office phone rings a lot. Emmi, their head secretary, sends over just about every call to him. She doesn't bother screening them, if the other line asks for any doctor, she sends them to Michael.

It's fun to see him bothered.

Emmi received a call from West Hills Primary Boarding School for Boys around 4:30 in the afternoon. The day was wrapping up, most of the nurses have left. Luke had one appointment left and Michael was getting extra work done.

Ashton had left earlier to meet his daughters out for dinner. Matty had gone out to dinner, possibly one where his boyfriend would be proposing. The other secretaries were gone, there was nothing happening.

In summary, the office was really, really quiet.

The call was transferred and the entire office could hear Michael respond. His voice was cheerful, then confused, then really, really quiet.

"What do you mean expelled?" Michael asked quietly. He leant his elbow on his desk as he ran a hand through his hair.

"He was late to curfew fifteen times in the last semester, we've given him enough reach room to shape up and he hasn't," the dean responded.

Michael made a confused face even though the dean couldn't see him. "He's just not good at time, what's the big deal?"

"Let me get his file, Mr. Clifford."

Michael looked up to see all eyes on him. Luke was leaning on Emmi's desk, holding an open manilla folder but staring directly at Mike. Both he and the pink-haired nurse looked down as Mike made eye contact.

The 29-year-old stood up, transferring his call to his cellphone. He hung up the landline and got his cell. Michael dug through his briefcase looking for a pack of cigarettes and lighter. The dean began talking again and Mike wasn't ready.

"As we spoke last semester, Jack continued to bring alcohol on campus. While participating in his," he paused, "activities, your brother tried to grill a live chicken in our microwave. He also stuck a science mannequin outside the lab window, threw a bible at another student, taped closed the gym locker room, as well—."

"Okay, I get it. Can I talk to him?" Michael took big steps from his office to the back porch. He was clenching his fists so tight that his Methols were on the verge of snapping.

Luke looked at Emmi, "Shit. Who was that?"

"Some boarding school."

"Oh," Luke said, "is it his brother's?"

"I think so," she responded. Emmi knew the gossip. "The dean sounded really upset, it didn't sound good."

Luke sighed, "Should I go out there?"

Emmi quickly shook her head, "Only if you have a death wish."

Michael heard his brother's voice come on the phone, Mike didn't allow the 14-year-old to get a word in. "You fucking idiot!" Michael yelled at the teenager.

"Hi Mikey, I miss you so much too."

Michael was beyond furious as he heard a giggle leave the boy's lips. "I don't care about you leaving class, I don't care about you being late. I don't care about you bleaching your hair and fucking that dude in the library. The drinking, Jack, you idiot! You're a child!"

Michael furiously flicked the dark blue lighter in his fingers. It wasn't cold and he didn't understand why nothing was coming out, he couldn't possibly be out of fluid already.

"Mike, chill, you did when you were my—."

"But that was before our parents got killed by a man drinking and driving, Jack! I cannot believe you, holy fucking shit."

From 3000 miles away, Jack was rolling his eyes. "Whatever, Michael, I can't drive."

Michael was clenching his jaw, using every muscle in his body to stop himself from yelling. "Put me back on with the dean." Michael finally got his lighter to ignite a flame as he brought it down to his cigarette, lighting it up and placing it on the tip of his lips. Was he about to break a six month clean chain?

Yeah, he was.

"Hi again, Mr. Clifford," a deeper voice rang through the phone.

"Are you sure there's no way we can work something out?"

"We can keep him until the end of the week, he's got to be gone by Sunday. It's policy."

Michael inhaled, blowing out a deep puff a smoke with his exhale. "Okay, I'll book his flight."

Luke and Emmi lean as far over as they possibly can as they watch Michael around the concrete porch.

"He looks kinda hot when he's angry," Emmi says, "and when he's smoking."

Luke tilts his head, "Yeah, I can see that. I hate when he smokes though, he smells awful and tastes awful."

They watch Michael hang up the phone, sliding the cell into his pocket. He takes another drag, tilting his head back and blowing into the air.

"Okay, I think you can go talk to him now."

"Are you sure he won't kill me? Or punch me?"

Emmi squinted her eyes and tapped at her chin. "I'm not sure, but I think it's worth the risk."

Luke sighed and walked around her. He turned around right before he opened the outside door, giving Emmi a mouthed "help me."

Michael turned around as he heard footsteps. He watched Luke walk down slowly, the pair making eye contact yet saying nothing.

"You alright?" Luke asked. He got closer to Michael. He wrapped his left arm around the younger boy's shoulder, his right hand took the burning cigarette from Mike and dumped it on the concrete, his foot crushing it.

Michael shook his head.

Luke wrapped his other arm around Michael's shoulders, pulling him down until they were in a proper hug. Michael's face was buried in Luke's neck, he didn't cry, he didn't sob, he didn't make a single sound.

It took five minutes for him to speak, "They're sending Jack home."

"It'll be good."

"I'm so mad at him, Luke."

"I know you are."

Michael sucked in a breath, "I do everything for him, you know? I make sure he stays safe and he finds a way to fuck up."

Luke slowly rocks him back and forth like a child. "Maybe he just misses you."

"Maybe he's just an idiot."

Luke laughs, "Yeah, maybe that." He takes a step back, looking down at the black-haired boy. He sees everything in Michael, all of his doubts drift away because he knows he is in love. "Let's get you home and talk about it then."

Michael nods.

They get home and they talk.

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