forty two +

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forty two +

A rustic field one hundred miles outside of New York City was exactly where the club DJ and nurse decided to have their wedding. It was beautiful truly. The grass was green, a chilling breeze washing over the couple dozen guests. It was out of some Pinterest board, probably, it had that kind of vibe to it.

It was far enough away that Luke and Mike chose to rent a hotel room for the night. They knew they'd get wasted and be out late, they'd rather be safe than sorry. Jack stayed home, enjoying the apartment to himself.

"This feels weird," Luke says as he stands in front of their hotel mirror. "Like, it's your ex."

Michael squeezes himself between the wall mirror and his boyfriend. He rests his hands on Luke's button down, finishing the buttons before wrapping Luke's tie around his neck. "It's whatever. It's good to see Matt and Alex so happy, you know?"

Luke shrugged, "I guess."

Michael tied the knot on the classic Burberry checkered tie (Luke was that type of doctor). He kept his fingers close to Luke's Adam apple, making sure not to accidentally choke his love. "I've always liked weddings."

He laughs, "But you don't want to get married."

Michael turned his back, going back into their en suite bathroom to find his shoes. "I never said that," he called back.

Luke looked at himself in the reflection. He quirked an eyebrow, "So, you're saying that if I proposed to you right here right now, you would say yes?"

Michael left the bathroom once more, sitting down on their bed to tie his Oxford shoes (freshly polished—Luke made sure). "No, I'm not saying I'm ready to get married, I'm just saying that I don't not want to get married."

"You're confusing me, Sweetie."

Michael looked up and smiled, "Good."

Jack invited Calum over. The two late-night lovebirds took their conversations over to texting during the day. He wasn't surprised when Calum crawled out of his own window a little after 6 and into the living room of Michael's living room.

"Hey," Jack said, turning around to watch the older boy close and lock the window behind him.

He stood up straight, brushing tracks of dirt from his plain top. "Hey," he said, followed by a sigh and a laugh.

Calum made his way over to Jack, taking up half the couch yet still barely touching the younger boy. He grabbed a throw pillow, pulling it to his chest and wrapping his arms around it. "So, what are we watching?"

Jack wanted to be in Calum's arms. "I was watching some documentary but you can change—."

"Didn't you say your brother's boytoy was like that? The documentaries?"

Tim shrugged, "Probably."

"Do you like him?"

"I think he's all right. I just can never see Michael settling down."

"Why's that?" Calum asked questions because he liked hearing Jack speak. He liked watching him talk, no matter what it was about.

"I still see Michael as this stressed out college student crying on our kitchen floor. I can never see him falling in love."

"Everyone deserves love."

Michael has his hand on Luke's thigh, his fingers are scratching the covered skin and it's bothering Luke. Mike is truly unable to sit still. Alex and Matty's ceremony is still going on, the two exchanging vows to one another.

It was love. Luke hopes that Michael looks at him the way Alex is looking at Matt. There are stars in his eyes as he looks at his sunshine. Luke wants that.

Michael begins tapping his foot and Luke gets more annoyed. "Sit still," he harshly whispers.

"I hate weddings," he says, dragging out the word hate.

Luke loves weddings. He loves the ceremony and reception, the months of planning, the elaborate details. "They're almost done."

"What would you do if I told you how badly I want to fuck you right now?" The younger man whispers to Luke's ear.

"What? Are you insane?"

"You look so good right now, Darling. I never thought I could find a man in slacks so hot." Michael's hand raises up Luke's leg. "I'd push you up against the hotel wall, my hands would roam your body."

"Michael, we're at a wedd—."

"I'd leave bruises on your neck in the shape of my lips, I'd pull at your hair until you scream my name." His breath is on Luke's ear, his eyes staring at his lover.

"Christ," he swears.

Michael kisses his jaw, "I wanna fuck you."

Jack looks up at Calum, "I want you to kiss me."

He shakes his head, "I can't, Jack."

"I don't understand why!" Jack crosses his legs and arms, staring at the boy he might madly be in love with.

"You throwing a fit over this is proving my point."

"I'm not a child," Jack doesn't yell.

"The answer is no," Calum responds. He stands up, sighs, then starts to head towards the fire escape. "Maybe we'll talk about it later."

Jack is left in an empty apartment with an empty heart. 

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