I said Kate, what did you just say?
Kate replied it's either me or Jimmy.
Jimmy stood in complete shock that Kate could ask me something like that,
I replied Kate how can you ask me that I thought we were friends but now I know you're just selfish and I don't want someone like you as a friend.
As I didn't know what to do so I said trying to stop myself from crying, I said Jimmy I'm going to go as I can't stay here.
Jimmy replied in an upset voice, awww babe, please don't go !!!
Kate replied that's right Louise, run away again just like you did back in the hotel when I told you that I told Lee and Spike about you liking Jimmy.
Jimmy said babe, if anyone should be going it should be Kate not you.
I replied yeah I know but I can't stay and be in the same room as Kate anymore.
Jimmy then continued to plead with me to stay in the cafe and he was now close to tears but I felt I had no choice as I left them in the cafe.
I then carried on walking as i had no idea of where i was going with tears streaming down my face when I saw Matt and he said hi Louise, are you ok as you look really upset?
I looked at the ground and said oh hi matt and did Jimmy ever mention Kate to you?
Matt replied yeah he did
I replied through the tears well I've just been in the cafe and as we were about to leave Kate has just asked me to choose between her and Jimmy.
Matt said oh no and where's Jimmy now?
I replied he's still in the cafe with Kate
Matt said listen Louise, I don't want you guys to split up
I replied I just don't know what to do Matt.
Matt replied ok I was just on my way to the pub but I'll phone Jimmy.
I replied ok and thanks Matt
Matt said that's ok as he called Jimmy but he had his phone switched off so he left a message which said Hey Jimmy, it's Matt just to let you know that I'm with Louise and she's really upset.
After Matt left a message for Jimmy, I said Matt what have we done ?
Matt said Louise, you should be having this conversation with Jimmy
I replied yeah I know but what if he won't speak to me after I left him in the cafe with Kate?
Matt said listen Louise, Jimmy is a good listener
I replied yeah I know but listen I'd better go and thanks for the chat.
Matt said that's ok and take care.
After I left Matt I then made my way home and I really wished I had someone to talk to and I decided that when I got home I would contact my old friend Nicole.
After I arrived home from the cafe I was so confused and after what happened with Nicole and her boyfriend Steve, I decided to phone Nicole up but when I dialled the number it said that the number was no longer available.
I then went upstairs and looked at the poster that Jimmy got for me as well as the pictures that i had taken with him including the one when we first went out together which Matt took.
Whilst I was upstairs I decided to have a lie down on my bed and couldn't stop thinking about what Matt said and that I needed to speak to JImmy but was so worried about him not wanting to talk to me after I left him in the cafe with Kate.
I also felt so sorry for Jimmy as it wasn't his fault in any of this and didn't want this to be 'Our last goodbye'
Jimmy's POV
Ten minutes later after Louise left the cafe I didn't know what to do especially after Kate told Louise that she had to choose and I didn't want to lose her.
As Kate was still in the cafe, I said Kate you've gone too far this time.
Kate replied well you guys have been spending so much time together that I've hardly seen Louise.
I replied well if I have lost Louise because of you, I will never forgive you as we both really like each other.
Kate replied well i've known Louise alot longer than you have Jimmy.
I replied that maybe true Kate but after today i really hope that I will get to see Louise again.
Kate replied well that is up to Louise Jimmy.
I said I know and I'm off to see Louise and if she doesn't speak to me it will be your fault Kate !!!!
Kate replied Jimmy, but like I said to Louise before you showed up she's just a fan at the end of the day.
I replied I don't see Louise as a fan and I think you are jealous of me and Louise being together.
Kate replied yeah I am Jimmy.
I replied well listen Kate, I'm going to see Louise to make sure she is ok !!!
I then left the cafe and wanted to make sure Louise was alright as she looked so upset when she left the cafe and I decided to phone Lee to let him know what had happened in the cafe between Louise and Kate.
A/N Sorry for the delay in posting the next chapter but hope this is ok and would appreciate any feedback :)
The 911 Journey and me (Book 1) (on hold)
FanfictionThe 911 Journey and me (Book 1)