O N E || "Les-be-onest" ||

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This Is Gospel - Panic! At the Disco

- E V I E -

Scrunched up pieces of paper hit my backside quickly, all in one go. I ignored the four boys behind me. Hot, bothered and done with everybody's shīt, I opened my book to the notes I've been taking for the past five years of high school.
Our science teacher, Mr McMillan, strolled into class while rubbing his eyes. He wore a white button up shirt with slacks, the same he wore everyday.

"Ok class, I'm tired, sore from the gym and cranky. Please just for once, today, do what your told."

I hear the familiar mischievous laughs from behind me. I look out the window, gripping my jumper to the palm of my hands.

"Roll call," Mr McMillan speaks, "Olivia Alyse!"
"Josephine Alistair!"
"Yes sir!"
"Michael Clifford!"
"Yeah what?"

I space out after that, until the last name comes to Irwin I'm irrelevant.
"Luke Hemmings!"
"Gets all the chicks!"
"Very funny Lucas, Ashton Irwin!"
"Is the best!"

Mr McMillan sighed loudly at the immature males behind me.
"Evie Irwin!"
I raise my hand slightly with a quiet, "Yes." I do my best to remain invisible in my classes. But sometimes shīt doesn't go that way.

"Oi, Evie." I hear from behind me, I make no effort to move but unfortunately a barrel of paper continues to get thrown at me until I'm turning around in frustration.

"What?!" I whisper - shout.
"Is May going to Eddie's party on Saturday?" Michael asks while throwing another scrunched up piece of paper in his hands up and down.
"I don't know, why do you care?"

"Was just wondering."
"Hey, Evie, is she comin over tonight? Ya know what mums like when we have the whole gang over."

This meant that my mother hated it when she had all of Ashton's friends over and my best - only - friend, May.

"Yeah she's sleeping over."
"Oo les-be-onest!" Luke exclaimed. I turned around to the front with a dramatic eye roll.

"Luke Hemmings!"
"Yes sir?"
"Get out of my classroom."
"Wait why-"
"You were talking when I was, now get out."
"But sir-"
"Out!" he boomed.

I chuckled under my breath, watching the poor guy walk out of class and slump onto a bench outside.
"You're not a lesbian right?" I turn around to meet Ashton's gaze.

"No, dipshīt, I'm not a lesbian."
"Could've fooled me." Calum speaks up, he winks.

"Oh shut up Calum." I flick my hair out of my way and look back to the front.

Again, the paper continues to be thrown by the remaining three boys behind me.


"Jesus Christ May, you have no idea how much I needed this right now."

May and I lay down on the living room couch, watching The Vampire Diaries and eating popcorn.

"Ugh trust me Evie, I think I would've died if we didn't have one of these nights soon."

I laughed at her words and continued to shove popcorn into my mouth, not even feeling guilty for how much I was eating. The time was so much fun, until I heard the familiar unlocking of the front door and the masculine yells that followed behind it.

"No, you fückwit, you didn't pay me back that time!" I hear Calum yell. I roll my eyes and look over at May who has a pained expression.
Everyone groaned - including me - when we all realised we were in the same room.

"For god sake Evie, clean up a little bit, mums gonna be pissed." Ashton exclaimed while pointing to the mess he made earlier.

"'Scuse me Ash but you created that this morning remember? You couldn't find the remote."
"I don't recall."
"Hi May."
"Hi Mikey."
"Fück sake please just ask her out, this is painful to watch."
"Shut up Calum!"

I watched the amusing event unfold before my eyes. Michael elbowed Calum in the stomach, causing him to fall the ground but quickly recoup himself and punch Michael back in the play fighting way.

May looked at me, confused as fück. She mouthed, 'what the hell' at me. It's quite obvious Michael has a crush on May, he just doesn't have the guts to ask her out.

May picked up her school bag and moved it closer to her, I watched Ashton and Luke try to stop Michael from crushing Calum.

Eventually, Luke gave up and left my brother to sort it out himself.
"So May," he starts, "how are you." I watch in disgust as he winks and flirts with my best friend.

I get up and walk into the kitchen, open the fridge door and grab a bottle of water. I turn around quickly, only to have Calum's chest smash into me.
God, why'd he have to be so damn tall.

"Sorry Stevie."  He says in a sweet voice, I look at him with my eyebrows raised.
"It's fine," I say suspiciously, "what are you pulling here?"
"What're ya talkin about? I'm just here grabbing a drink. Speaking of which-" he points down to my water before pulling it out of my hands.

"Thanks love."
"Whatever Calum."
I roll my eyes as he eyed me up and down, I cringe and shove past him.

I overhear, "Mum! My lovely mum! Could the guys sleep over tonight?"

And then I hear that unfamiliar, "yes of course Ashton."

First chapter up and running! I hope you like the new book xo

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