T W E N T Y - N I N E || "Looking for comfort" ||

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Waterfall - With Confidence

- E V I E -

2 days since I've seen the love of my life

I knocked on Luke's door, and waited for him to answer. After a few minutes he pulled open the large piece of wood.
"Evie?" He says while putting on a shirt and squinting as his eyes hit the daylight.

"Hey Luke."
"What're you doing here?"

I smoothed out my dress and took a deep breath in.
"I just wanted to talk to you."
"Oh, um, well the house is pretty trashed but come in."

I smile as he moves out the way and I step in.
He's right, the house is trashed and it smells gross.

I take a seat on the couch and he sits across from me.
"So what's up?"
"Well...where do I start," I clear my throat, "last night you told me a few things I don't think you meant to say."
"I was drunk."
"Yeah, but have you ever heard the phrase drunk words, sober thoughts ?"
"You said that I was a bet between you and Calum." 

I am not gonna cry about how much I miss him, even after two nights.

"Shit did I say that?"
"You also said you've liked me for three years..." I awkwardly say.

Luke turns red and he rubs his face to cover it up.

"I'm sorry but it's the truth, I had hoped flirting with May would've made you jealous...but I could always tell you liked Calum."
"You could?"
"Yeah, the play fights, the arguments, that night you shared the blanket in the living room. He was always better than me."
"I'm sorry Luke."
"Me too."
"And it was one night when we were high that he said, 'want to bet $100 I can make Evie fall in love with me?'"

My first reaction was that I hoped he didn't mean it, and he was just high.

"He honestly said that?" My voice was wobbly.
"He loves you. I know that for sure."
"Sure he does."
"Don't say that Evie, he does. Calum can never shut up about you, it's always 'Evie and I did this today' or 'fūck I'm so in love with Evie.'"
"Why are you defending him?"
"Because I know what position he's in, he's not the only one who's ruined a chance at love. I believe you could give him another chance."
"Thanks." I mumble.
"I've got to clean up before my parents come home."
"Do you want a hand?"
"No thanks."

I get up and walk to the door, Luke follows.
I bring him in for a hug, and hold his broad shoulders.
"Thank you Luke."
"It's okay."


Stupid stupid what the fuck am I doing?!?

I, stupidly, now knocked on Calum's door.

Just run Evie, you don't need to be here.

The door swiftly opens to reveal Joy, her happy face greeting me with a smile.
"Evie! How are you hunny?"
"Hi Mrs Hood, I'm fine, I just came to see Calum?"
"He's up in his room, do you know what's wrong with him? He hasn't eaten or spoken to anyone in a couple of days."
"That's kind of why I wanted to talk to him."
"Well come in, dear."

I step into the warm household and wave to David who's sitting on the couch.
"Hello Mr Hood."
"Hi Evie, Calum's upstairs." I smile and thank him.

Breathe Evie, just breathe.

I walk up the stairs and find Calum's room, then knocking softly.

"Go away mum, I don't want any food."
I try to open the door, but it's locked.

My throat doesn't feel strong enough to say anything, and my knees begin shaking.

"Calum?" My voice shakes as well.

I hear his bed springs and footsteps on the other side of the door, the lock being twisted and then the door being open.

I'm quick to study his face: tears stained his cheeks, dark circles under his eyes, scruffy hair and a smell indescribable.

How could he still look absolutely perfect.

"Hi." I mumble while moving my gaze to behind him, cigarettes were everywhere.

"What're you doing here?" He choked out.
"Well, my boyfriend made a bet of $100 that he could make me fall in love with him and I was kind of looking for some comfort."
"He sounds like a pretty shit boyfriend." Calum says.
"He does stupid shit."
"Why don't you break up with him? He doesn't deserve you."
"Because I love him...and forgiveness can be arranged."
"He loves you too."
"And I probably shouldn't be forgiving him so quickly, but I miss him, and I hate that he's got me wrapped around his finger."
"He'll do anything for you."
"I know."

I notice the tears that brimmed at his eyes, and I could tell now that he was truly sorry.

"Come here." I say while bringing him into my arms.

And we both release our emotions, and completely pull off our masks.

Calum's sobs are buried in my neck as mine are in his.
I don't care what anyone says, I still love him, even if I was a stupid bet.

"Just even the thought of losing you, Evie, made me die inside." He says.

We pull away to look at each other.

"I am so insanely in love with you, I didn't realise how me saying it's just a bet meant so much. You're priceless, Evie, and me betting that you would fall in love with me was immature and the most dickheadish thing to possibly do."

"I agree. But I still love you."

I bring my hand up his bare chest, and wipe the tears from his cheeks.
"I know you're broken Calum, I know you've been through a lot and it's scarred you."

"You forgive me right? I am so so sorry." He says after a while, letting my words soak in.
"I forgive you."

He brings his lips close to mine and then joins them, the feeling inside like a fire blazing. The sensation and the electricity all being flourished through me, reminding me of how much I missed him.

"I missed you, even if it was only two days." He mumbles against my lips.
"I missed you too."
"I love you."
"I love you too."


Okay don't say Evie is just a pushover, she's not, she's stubborn AF but with a good heart and she knows Calum is sorry. So don't be thinking she will let him get away with anything, she loves him.

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