T W E N T Y - T W O || "Please say yes" ||

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Good Thing - Sam Smith

- E V I E -

I still sat with my legs wrapped around Calum's waist, I place my arms around his neck and look him in the eyes.

"Please say yes..." He mumbles while touching my nose with his.

I can't believe Calum Hood had just asked me to be his girlfriend. Calum, the bad boy, the smoker, the guy who hates labels.

I Eskimo kiss him softly and open my mouth to let the word flow through my lips.

"It doesn't really change anything." He says.
"It sort of does." I chuckle.
"We could be relationship goals and all couple-y."

He laughed quietly and placed a kiss on my mouth, pressing hard before swiping his tongue against my bottom lip.

I pull away before it gets too heated, seeming as we did have sex 24 hours ago...

But he kept pulling me back in and showing me just how much he likes me, kissing tenderly and rubbing my shoulders.

To think that 2 months ago this boy hated me.

"I like you so much Stevie."

The music was still loud, making our voices quieter than they already were.

Calum changed our positions so we were laying down, him hovering over me. My legs still around his waist, and my arms still behind his neck.

He locked eyes with me and pressed his lips to mine.
This is the most romantic I actually think Calum's ever been, I mean my first time was passionate but I've never seen this side of him.

"I'm so sorry Evie." He mumbled while kissing my cheek and jaw.
"Sorry for what? You haven't done anything." I assure him.
"I've been the biggest jerk to you, and I keep fücking up."
"It's okay."

Calum kisses back up my neck to my mouth, I smile softly and bring him closer.

It wasn't quick or steamy, it was just slow and passionate. It was like a redo of last night...

I brought my hands up his stomach and onto his toned chest, pulling his shirt with it.

I let him pull it off, before making eye contact with him. Calum falls back into his knees and he pulls my leg up onto his shoulder.

He pulls down my stockings slowly, then placing kisses down my leg.

Cal stays in this position for maybe 30 seconds, we both just stare into each other's eyes and stay motionless.

But finally he breaks the ice, and he leans forward and begins to pull my dress off.

After my dress is off, we lock our lips again and kiss perfectly in sync.

I don't want to overwhelm Calum with feelings, I'm pretty sure he has figured out that I love him. But I honestly can't tell if he feels the same way.
And until I know for sure he does, I'm not saying anything; fear of rejection.

His hands trail up my chest to cup my boob, making me slightly moan into his lips. Calum squeezes and then let's go before moving his hands back down to my waist; our lips never parting.

I unbuckle his belt and pull down the zipper, then slipping my hand down his boxers. Calum's mouth travels down to my chest, lightly sucking.

I grab onto Calum's skull and pull him back up eagerly, before kissing him tenderly and squirming uncontrollably.

I arch my back as his hands travel to unhook my bra. I can feel his fingers struggling to unhinge it though, he bites his lip in determination. Cal chuckles slightly against my lips as he finally gets my bra off.

I would've thought he was an expert at that by now.

Calum pressed his lips on the corner of my mouth, then slowly pulling down my underwear. He moves down to my area and slides one finger inside, causing me to gasp loudly.

The feeling still was weird, but soon faded and I was brought pleasure.

"I'm gonna try another one okay doll?" I bit my lip nervously, and nodded.

I felt Cal slowly enter in another finger, I sucked in a harsh breath, the pain still there but subsiding after a few more thrusts.

"Oh my god." I exhaled out while gripping the bed sheets tightly.

He pulled out of me and placed a small kiss to my centre, making me shiver in exhilaration.

I watched as fumbled through his Jean pockets, before finally pulling out a condom. He placed the wrapper on my stomach so he could get his jeans off, it seemed easier than last time.

After his jeans were off, he pulled down his underwear and ripped the wrapper before sliding it on.

Calum's eyes met mine yet again and he lowered down onto me, kissing my lips before slowly entering me.

He sucked in the breath that caught from mine in the kiss, I moaned slightly into his mouth and continued to as he thrusted.

Pulling away, he looked down at what was happening, watching as he thrusted deeper and faster all at once.

The pain was still evident, but only slightly. I scratched his back roughly and arched my hips to create more friction.

We both moved into each other until we were panting and sweaty messes, which was always attractive on Calum.

"Fück I'm close." He says into my ear before biting it, sending me over the edge.

I came and let euphoria take over me, he soon did as well. Just witnessing him come undone above me made me weak, his mouth opening slightly and letting a moan slip.

Cal stayed still but panted heavily, his head falling into the crook of my neck.

"Do you want to call me daddy yet?"


I will forever love writing sex chapters on cal and Evie

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