F O U R T E E N ||"Kid, You're a natural." ||

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R.I.P. 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood

- E V I E -

Ashton grabbed at my arm and pulled me away from the paintings; and, well, Calum's rough hands.

"What's going on?" He said sternly while digging his nails into my skin.
"Ow-Ash, you're hurting me."
"What's going on between you two?"
"Why do you care all of a sudden?"

Ashton's eyes softened.

"Evie, you're my sister. I may not show it but I do care about you. Calum is Calum; he's my best friend."

"Can you let me go please." I ask.

And he did.
Ashton's hands fell to his side and but his stare was still strong.

"Calum's not the right guy for you."
"Excuse me?" I retort back sassily.
"I mean-"
"No Ash, you've said enough. I think I can decide who I want to be with."

"Evie. You are my twin sister. It's our birthday in three days, you are family. I'm telling you now, Calum may be one of my closest friend but he will rip your heart out and throw it in the trash. I've seen it with many girls okay? Please just trust me on this."

"No, Ash. He's not that bad."

I look over at Calum, who's making conversation with a tall blonde.
"You see?"

"Shut up Ashton."

I walk outside to get some fresh air.
I liked Calum, I had the hope inside of me that he was a good person; deep down.

"Evie? You okay?" May asks while walking towards me.
"I'm fine May, just tired." I managed a smile.

"Okay...well, we're all going to get some ice cream. So come on."

May wrapped one arm around me and we walked back through the art gallery and over to the group.

Calum was smiling while biting his lip, holding out his hand.
Ashton walked into Cal's extended arm, causing him to frown at my brother.

But Calum persisted and held his hand out again. Stupidly, I grabbed it.

"Why don't you go hold that blonde bimbo's hand." I sighed and rolled my eyes at him.

"Trust me, you're more beautiful than her."
He pulled me closer than before and acted completely different. He was acting like we were an actual couple.

Which will be impossible for me considering I've never even kissed a guy.

"You, my dear, are lookin mighty fine." Calum said to me.
Making an involuntary blush to creep up onto my cheeks.
"Calum stop it."
"What? The whole world deserves to know how fine Evie Irwin is."

"Calum I'm serious, stop it."
"But why Stevie? You're so beautiful and you don't even realise it."

Yeah, his words felt great. But I still had that fear of him not meaning it.
"Are you just trying to get into my pants?" I stop him in the path and signal everyone to continue walking.

"What- is that honestly what you think I'm just trying to do?"
"Well I don't know."
"You're unbelievable, I can't even compliment the girl I like." He mumbled.

Calum let go of my hand and turned around to keep walking.

"Hey!" I called out.
"What?" He turned around maybe 5 metres away from me.
"I'm sorry, I'm just not used to it."

I walk towards him and look up at his chocolate brown eyes.
"I know. It's hard for me because I normally don't do the relationship thing.
"I understand that Calum."

We were now standing in a square garden. My scarf was a soft blue and his denim jacket was rough.

"Would it be completely out of the question if I kissed you right now?" He asked

My heart skipped a beat and my anxiety kicked in, the first thing that I said was, "I don't know how to kiss."

"Then I'll be more than happy to teach you."
No matter how cliché it was, the moment felt perfect.

Calum brought his hand up to cup the side of my face, and he parted my lips with his thumb before attaching his lips to mine.

Obviously, as a virgin kisser, I had absolutely no idea what the fück I was meant to be doing.

So, I followed his lead and did exactly what he did.
I brought my arms around his neck and tried to deepen the kiss? I don't know how else to explain it but I just wanted more.

We parted for breath for a few seconds before he pressed his lips to mine once more and pulled away.
"Kid, you're a natural." I slightly cringed but laughed at him.

"Kiss me again." I mumble while leaning in, and luckily he did too.

Our lips connected and those sparks set off once again. Making me feel spoilt and grateful.

"You have nice lips." I mumbled while pecking them again.


My crush picked me up today and I was so scared that I broke his back lololol ok

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