T W E N T Y - T H R E E || "Keep your hands to yourself." ||

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Impossible Year - Panic! At the disco

- E V I E -

I watched as Calum got up from my bed, stretching out his back before walking into my bathroom. I was naked, and so was he but he obviously didn't care. I was 110% sure the house was trashed. I don't know when the party finished, I was... occupied.

I've got my driving test today, and I was nervous as fück. I've driven once before and that was to pick Ashton up in the middle of the night. Even drunk Ashton was scared shїtless.

I stand up from my bed and quickly run to my cupboard, I pull out a Lana Del Rey shirt and some jeans. I get dressed quickly and peep in through the crack of the bathroom door; Calums splashing water on his beautiful face. I move before getting caught, I grab my phone and check for any messages.

May: bruh I love you

May: seriously, I love you

Drunk texts from May are always nice, even if they are at 4am in the morning.

"Hey." I hear Calum's raspy voice say from behind me, I turned around just as he got his underwear on.

"Hi." I scratch the back of my neck and smile softly.

"Last night was pretty amazing..." he randomly blurts out, making me blush.

"Yeah, it was."

Calum strides towards me, his muscled thighs almost making me drool with every step he takes. I place my phone down and am immediately lifted up off the ground, he wraps his strong arms around my stomach; Cal's head is buried in my neck as I put my arms around his.

He mumbles something inaudible, all I got was "you".

That's strange.


Calum and I arrived at the driving test place 10 minutes ago, and Calum cannot keep his hands off me. It's slightly getting irritating, but at the same time I shouldn't be complaining. As soon as he saw my 'instructor' he was tense and always kept his hand in mine. Yes I admit my instructor was absolutely drop dead gorgeous, but honestly to me no one compares to Calum.

"Hello, I'm Harry, I'll be testing your driving today." The emerald eyed man said to me.

"Evie." I said while shaking his hand, which didn't last long. Calum interrupted and introduced himself.

"Calum, her boyfriend." It felt absolutely amazing and heart warming to know that, just because he's jealous he will put aside labels.
I couldn't help but giggle at his protectiveness.

"yeah, hi." Harry says while glancing between Cal and I.

"Shall we go?" Harry says to me.
"Yeah, let's go." Calum answers, holding my hand tighter and looking out behind Harry.

Harry frowned slightly but ignored Calum's need of wanting to come.

Well this is gonna be fun.


"You've done great, no stress." Harry says while rubbing my shoulder.

I can almost feel Calum's stare burn into my skull.
I was almost back at the driving test place, and I was feeling confident but uncomfortable at the same time.

Harry kept 'slipping' and grabbing my thigh instead of his coffee.

And here he goes again.

"Mate, keep your hands to yourself." Calum speaks up.
"Cal it's okay, it was just an accident right Harry?"
"Yeah of course, sorry."

In the corner of my eye I see Harry smirk at Calum, which I could tell would infuriate my boyfriend.

"You little shīt." Calum goes to grab Harry but I snap at him.
"Calum Hood if you fück this up for me I will kill you!"

I hear him sigh and fall back into his seat.

"You're lucky I love her, fückhead." Cal says to Harry.


Aww Cal didn't mean to blurt out his feelings but look what happened!0

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