T W E N T Y - S I X || "May and Michael" ||

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Baby Came Home 2 / Valentines

- E V I E -

"No I love you more."
"I doubt it! I love you the most."
"Ugh Michael stop it, I love you the mostest."
"May Bliss I love you more than anything in the whole wide world!"

Calum and I sat across from the couple who were both feeding each other French fries and continuously arguing about who loves who more.
Both of Cal and I's mouths were open, and we sat astounded at how in love they were.

A double date.
Who knew.

Calum was slouched, and he averted his gaze to the diner bar.
I had my hand around his arm; and his hand on my thigh.

It was surprisingly warm today, so I wore a skirt with a tucked in Panic! At the Disco shirt.

I rested my chin on his shoulder, and whispered, "I love you more than these fools love each other."

I saw his face scrunch up into a beautiful smile, and he laughed. Calum turned his face to me and looked down at my smiling one.

He poked his tongue out, which touched my nose.

"I can't believe you two are dating." May gushes.
"Me neither." Michael chips in.

Calum's hand reaches down to my inner thigh, and I slap it away.

"Damn, these fries almost taste as good as you did last night."

My mouth drops at Michaels words, and May turns bright red.


I sit in my room, on my phone, doing absolutely fück all. Calum had thrown a hissy fit at the diner for some stupid reason.

Calum: I can't believe you
Me: I hate you
Calum: good

I sigh and throw my phone to the end of the bed. Apparently I had annoyed him somehow and now he's very pissed at me?? How bipolar can one person be.

A few minutes pass, and I check my phone.
Calum: ok, I'm coming over. I miss you.
Me: it's been half an hour.
Calum: your point?
Calum: see you in 5 princess

"Evie! Did you take my Green Day jumper!?" Ashton called from his room.

I sighed again and got up, pulling on Calum's stupid shirt. I'm sort of pissed, but I know even against my will, I won't be mad much longer.

"Calum's here!" Ashton calls.

He must've gotten the wrong window.
I see his crouched body come to my window, he opens it and climbs in.

"Did you and Ashton change rooms or something?"
"No." I state.

Let's see how long I can pull off that I'm mad.

"I'm sorry for being immature before."
"Uh huh."
"Don't give me that attitude princess."
"Whatever daddy."

If I was gonna be mad, I was gonna be a tease as well.



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